Mental Health this time of the year

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I'd like to come here and wish everyone merry Christmas and a happy new year!
For those who don't know, I am working as a firefighter in Sweden, and around this month of the year were people usually meet their families and friends to celebrate. But December, Christmas and new years eve are not something everyone looks forward to.

Not everyone has their family around, friends or anyone to be together with. During my career in my job, I've responded to two suicide calls. Suicides increase significantly in December, and it's a pattern.

Of course not everyone celebrates holidays, but some don't celebrate due to their life circumstances in regard of their family or friends.

I don't know what I'm trying to say here, I am not that good when it comes to speeches.

Mental life matters, if you are struggling with your mental health then talk to someone! It could be a family member, friend, workmate, or just anyone. I'm here too if anyone just wants to talk.

National Suicide Hotline - 90101

For my fellow swedes;

Anhöriglinjen 0200- 239 500
Föräldralinjen 020-852 000
Äldrelinjen 020-22 22 33
Kyrkans SOS 0771-800 650
Regnbågslinjen 0770-50 00 10
Jourhavande medmänniska 08-702 16 80
Polisen 114 14
Brottsoffer jouren 116 006
Kvinnofridslinjen 020 50 50 50
Självmordslinjen 90 101
Bris 116 111
Anonyma Narkomaner 077-1138000
Anonyma Alkoholister 08-720 38 42
Alkohollinjen 020-84 44 48 (13-25 år) (13-19år)

Take care everyone!
It's being memed a lot about lately but honestly if you're a guy, don't fucking hestitate to talk to someone, most men out in our society know what's it like and will gladly listen to your problems, we don't talk about our problems as easily as girls do, but for the love of god find someone to talk to.

And honestly if you know that someone is dealing with mental health issues and shit, please don't give up trying to help them. You'd rather be the guy who annoyed the fuck out of them by telling them to seek help and was a part of the reason they're alive today, than the guy who didn't do anything when they're dead.
This is so important! Take care of each other! There will always be people ready to help during hard times!
And remember to check up on your close ones <3
As someone who usually feels like shit during the winter, this winter has been pretty great for me with all the positive distractions.

I can thank you all for that!
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