Mental Health

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Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing well. Last year in decenmber I made a post regarding mental health. This was mainly because of the time of the year since suicides are more common than other months. Novemeber is also mens mental health month, anyways:

I'd like to copy and paste the old thread I made and remember everyone that you are not alone, and there is help to get!

For those who don't know, I am working as a firefighter in Sweden, and around this month of the year were people usually meet their families and friends to celebrate. But December, Christmas and new years eve are not something everyone looks forward to.

Not everyone has their family around, friends or anyone to be together with. During my career in my job, I've responded to two suicide calls. Suicides increase significantly in December, and it's a pattern.

Of course not everyone celebrates holidays, but some don't celebrate due to their life circumstances in regard of their family or friends.

I don't know what I'm trying to say here, I am not that good when it comes to speeches.

Mental life matters, if you are struggling with your mental health then talk to someone! It could be a family member, friend, workmate, or just anyone. I'm here too if anyone just wants to talk.

National Suicide Hotline - 90101

For my fellow swedes;

Anhöriglinjen 0200- 239 500
Föräldralinjen 020-852 000
Äldrelinjen 020-22 22 33
Kyrkans SOS 0771-800 650
Regnbågslinjen 0770-50 00 10
Jourhavande medmänniska 08-702 16 80
Polisen 114 14
Brottsoffer jouren 116 006
Kvinnofridslinjen 020 50 50 50
Självmordslinjen 90 101
Bris 116 111
Anonyma Narkomaner 077-1138000
Anonyma Alkoholister 08-720 38 42
Alkohollinjen 020-84 44 48 (13-25 år) (13-19år)

Take care everyone!

Since that post I made last year, I've responded to so many suicides that I lost count. Please, please talk to someone if you feel suicidal. Please. 100% of the vicitims that we either rescued or failed the suicide regret it directly afterwards.
So please, reach out!
I been struggling from depression since I was 13 years old. It has gotten worse like this since i had it. Over the last 12 months my life has been a living hell. I been talking to close friends to keep me comfort during these rough times. Family too. It's always great to speak to ones who actually care for you.
I have been struggling with depression since the age of thirteen, i have had several attempts to end my miserable life which some in here probably know of.

Im just done for. I feel like im so empty and have nothing to live for. Nothing makes me happy anymore, i distance myself from friends but they didn’t like me anyways, im not social in anyway while in school.

I literally can’t do this anymore, yeah maybe i talked with a friend or two about my mental health but of course they werent my friends and told it to everyone and made fun of me about it. I began after that having a struggle to fall asleep so i began taking sleeping pills which i still do sometimes to this day.

I have never even once gotten a bit of help from a friend or anybody, even if i told them they would say “Im here for you.” but its all lies, nobody was there for me but when they’re at their lowest they expect me to be there for them? I never get invited to anything, i never talk with them in person, i never see them outside of school, never, never, never.

Of course im at my lowest right now but i’ve always been that, i’ve always been this low in my mental health. Im just so fucking empty and broken, even gods power couldnt fix me. I just dont know what to do anymore.
Adding on to this for those in the UK, these numbers are free and work 24/7:

Samaritans: 116 123
Papyrus: 0800 068 41 41
Childline: 0800 1111
(For those under 19, this number will not show up on any phone bills or records)

Alternatively there are text services available:

Text "SHOUT" to 85258
Text "YM" to 85258
(For those under 19)

As Draxen said, mental health is incredibly important. Don't be afraid to reach out to someone you trust if you are struggling. Furthermore my DM's are always open if you just want a chat.
I have been struggling with depression since the age of thirteen, i have had several attempts to end my miserable life which some in here probably know of.

Im just done for. I feel like im so empty and have nothing to live for. Nothing makes me happy anymore, i distance myself from friends but they didn’t like me anyways, im not social in anyway while in school.

I literally can’t do this anymore, yeah maybe i talked with a friend or two about my mental health but of course they werent my friends and told it to everyone and made fun of me about it. I began after that having a struggle to fall asleep so i began taking sleeping pills which i still do sometimes to this day.

I have never even once gotten a bit of help from a friend or anybody, even if i told them they would say “Im here for you.” but its all lies, nobody was there for me but when they’re at their lowest they expect me to be there for them? I never get invited to anything, i never talk with them in person, i never see them outside of school, never, never, never.

Of course im at my lowest right now but i’ve always been that, i’ve always been this low in my mental health. Im just so fucking empty and broken, even gods power couldnt fix me. I just dont know what to do anymore.
Damn im so sorry to hear about your situation. I never used to know u well,but i met u sometimes and u sounded like a very chill person. But ending ur life isnt the solution,trust me. Ur parents will be sufering so much,losing a child is always something very very bad. And please do think about how ur parents will feel if they found out that you ended ur life. Just ignore those mfkers and never give up.
Germany turned me into a mess kinda because it's so hard to find new friends and partner here, makes me feel really lonely and depressed. The language is difficult for me to learn too and it's been giving me dozens of problems with school and people. Thankfully i'm gonna be visiting Serbia in a month or so, hopefully it brightens me up.
This year has probably been some of the tougher ones, if not the toughest so far in my life. I know I'm young, I'm only about to turn 16 and it's quite extreme to say that about one specific year.
Started off as any year you'd expect to start, but then came march, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (funny how today is world diabetes day), for those of you who don't know T1D is a auto-immune and chronic illness, meaning I'll have it for the rest of my life! Obviously being a 15 year old who is really careful about his health and wants to do something with basketball (even though that dream keeps drifting away, I faced the reality I'm doing it for fun now) it fell really hard on me, and I was always the type to jar up my feelings and say fuck it until it becomes too much.
I felt down asf, my life is gonna be changed forever, I couldn't live it like others, in my mind I couldn't do anything, but now, in 5 days it will be 8 months since my diagnosis I feel totally normal when it comes to living with diabetes.
The past 2 months have been tough as well, a lot of doctors told me that I might have hepatitis, and I couldn't train for 2 months, and as someone that goes to the gym and basketball practices my whole week, it felt empty, like a part of me died for those 2 months, I thought it would take a month max to recover, but after a month I had my check up and shit just got worse, I'm currently on like 3 different types of pills, and I got my bloodwork done and thankfully it's not any type of hepatitis.
The point of this is to let you know that even after a lot of shit, things are eventually going to become better, I don't like sharing a lot about myself, even though I'm quite open about my diabetes situation, and please, if you need help, speak to someone, don't be a dumbass like me and bottle your emotions away, eventually it becomes too much and you'll just implode on yourself and others around you, stay safe lads and lasses.
This year has probably been some of the tougher ones, if not the toughest so far in my life. I know I'm young, I'm only about to turn 16 and it's quite extreme to say that about one specific year.
Started off as any year you'd expect to start, but then came march, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (funny how today is world diabetes day), for those of you who don't know T1D is a auto-immune and chronic illness, meaning I'll have it for the rest of my life! Obviously being a 15 year old who is really careful about his health and wants to do something with basketball (even though that dream keeps drifting away, I faced the reality I'm doing it for fun now) it fell really hard on me, and I was always the type to jar up my feelings and say fuck it until it becomes too much.
I felt down asf, my life is gonna be changed forever, I couldn't live it like others, in my mind I couldn't do anything, but now, in 5 days it will be 8 months since my diagnosis I feel totally normal when it comes to living with diabetes.
The past 2 months have been tough as well, a lot of doctors told me that I might have hepatitis, and I couldn't train for 2 months, and as someone that goes to the gym and basketball practices my whole week, it felt empty, like a part of me died for those 2 months, I thought it would take a month max to recover, but after a month I had my check up and shit just got worse, I'm currently on like 3 different types of pills, and I got my bloodwork done and thankfully it's not any type of hepatitis.
The point of this is to let you know that even after a lot of shit, things are eventually going to become better, I don't like sharing a lot about myself, even though I'm quite open about my diabetes situation, and please, if you need help, speak to someone, don't be a dumbass like me and bottle your emotions away, eventually it becomes too much and you'll just implode on yourself and others around you, stay safe lads and lasses.
Damn alden,as a person who knows you well and been interacting with u,i said that i feel very sorry for your situation. As a person that is practiing basketball aswell,i could tell u that if its ur dream,u should never give up,even if u cant practice sports,i think u can atleast watch basketball matches,or practice a bit with the ball everyday,so you wont keep ur goal away. Diabetes is very bad,but it is what it is,i hope your life wil change,and doctor diagnostics were false and soon you could escape of diabetes,as a person you are really nice. I wish you only good luck and dont give up!
Damn alden,as a person who knows you well and been interacting with u,i said that i feel very sorry for your situation. As a person that is practiing basketball aswell,i could tell u that if its ur dream,u should never give up,even if u cant practice sports,i think u can atleast watch basketball matches,or practice a bit with the ball everyday,so you wont keep ur goal away. Diabetes is very bad,but it is what it is,i hope your life wil change,and doctor diagnostics were false and soon you could escape of diabetes,as a person you are really nice. I wish you only good luck and dont give up!
thank you lad, but the diagnosis can't be false, diabetes is lifelong and i'll be enjoying it forever lol, i've taken it as it is and i'm just dealing with it, and it's going well, dw, the diabetes is now a part of me and i like speaking about it and being open and just educating people abt it in general
This year has probably been some of the tougher ones, if not the toughest so far in my life. I know I'm young, I'm only about to turn 16 and it's quite extreme to say that about one specific year.
Started off as any year you'd expect to start, but then came march, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (funny how today is world diabetes day), for those of you who don't know T1D is a auto-immune and chronic illness, meaning I'll have it for the rest of my life! Obviously being a 15 year old who is really careful about his health and wants to do something with basketball (even though that dream keeps drifting away, I faced the reality I'm doing it for fun now) it fell really hard on me, and I was always the type to jar up my feelings and say fuck it until it becomes too much.
I felt down asf, my life is gonna be changed forever, I couldn't live it like others, in my mind I couldn't do anything, but now, in 5 days it will be 8 months since my diagnosis I feel totally normal when it comes to living with diabetes.
The past 2 months have been tough as well, a lot of doctors told me that I might have hepatitis, and I couldn't train for 2 months, and as someone that goes to the gym and basketball practices my whole week, it felt empty, like a part of me died for those 2 months, I thought it would take a month max to recover, but after a month I had my check up and shit just got worse, I'm currently on like 3 different types of pills, and I got my bloodwork done and thankfully it's not any type of hepatitis.
The point of this is to let you know that even after a lot of shit, things are eventually going to become better, I don't like sharing a lot about myself, even though I'm quite open about my diabetes situation, and please, if you need help, speak to someone, don't be a dumbass like me and bottle your emotions away, eventually it becomes too much and you'll just implode on yourself and others around you, stay safe lads and lasses.
My girlfriend has Type 1 Diabetes, it really takes a serious toll on mental health having a chronic illness, I try to be there for her and help her with it as much as I can, even if it's as little as bringing her juice in the middle of the night when her sugar drops and she is too weak to walk without falling over, but she is still happy when not thinking about it too much and is able to live life, please just take care of yourself, don't get lazy about it, don't get complacent if that's the right word, you can still have a happy life, even if on a higher difficulty, but you can definitely be happy please keep going and do what you love within the boundaries of what you physically are allowed to!
Been dealing with mental health for a little while now myself - I find myself locked away dying from self inflicted wounds both mental and physical that kinda deal i been alone for a while and nobody should go thought that so offers out there if anyone wants too talk drop me a DM and im happy too just listen if you want me too, i cannot fix problems but dont feel like you guys are alone.
good thread i agree take care of ur mental health and stuff of that nature, talk to people u trust and are close to and seek help for things

i know ive been guilty of it in the past as well but throwing all ur problems out into a public forum for everyone to randomly take on the weight of is really not the best way of dealing with it, speak to people directly who have made it clear they are willing and able to take on the brunt of the emotional baggage because it affects people to read shit like what has been posted on here, seek therapy, vent your frustrations or struggles in other outlets instead of throwing them into the world for everybody else to involuntarily deal with because you have no idea what such emotionally hefty stuff could drag up for others

u should be picking who u trust with information like this anyway imo, can come back to bite u if bad actors get a hold of it
Depression is really bad but gaming all day doesn't help it go away. Its like drugs. You forget about it for a while, and then the feeling of sadness comes back. Really if you want to stop feeling like shit just go outside it will help a lot. Hope you all doing well!
hello guys, friendly reminder that if anybody is having a proper shitty day then you are more than free to come and talk to myself or any of my colleagues in the staff team any time and we/i will be more than happy to listen!

get me on discord @azerdd
or on steam

I would also like to add that if anyone just needs someone to talk to, feel free to also send me a message at discord over @Megasaw (Please make sure that you are in the Perpheads discord server so that the message can be sent to me).

As Flugs said above, never feel like you are alone. As much as this community can have its toxic side, there are plenty of people that you can reach out and talk to!

I hope you all have an amazing day :)
mental health has always been a bad problem for me. for many reasons i feel worthless at times and at certain times i feel good about myself. its a my mental health is going on me for not being more productive. which is why ive stopped playing games as much as i used to and why i as of now follow a daily routine and once im done with that routine i do whatever. but my mental had me at the point where i was very close to doing some horrible things to myself. i dont know why but the one thing that kept me from doing anything was actually Micheal Scott. i dont know why but i just always think about him whenever im in bad times because he makes me laugh and realize how precious and how beautiful life can be if you just look and find the right direction for you. it just takes time to find the things you love to do and many people give up on the things they could do because they just dont put a lot of time into it. which is what i did but ive learned things take time over the years instead of being a rushy kind of guy. another thing that has helped me a lot through life is music. more specifically Nujabes. his calmful music has really helped me get through terrible times and be a calmer person in life but everyone is diffrent. never give up and remember things take time you just have to explore to see what is for you.

if you ever wanna talk about litreally anything or have a question about anything dm me at @bipexpress on discord. have a great day and i hope you achieve whatever you want to in life!!!!
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