Mina's Ban Appeal/Apology

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Reaction score
North of Ireland
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Senior Admin - Collier
How long were you banned for: 3 days

Your Steam Name
: Mina
Your In-game Name: Kian Wolf
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:437224249

Why were you banned/blacklisted: 3.20 - Disconnecting during an Arrest.
Why should this appeal be considered: So, I think this ban appeal should be consider as I get i broke rules, and I knew what i was doing was wrong. I had only joined and was growing weed and chatting with my friends. The one thing i heard was police outside, just sitting in their cars and monitoring our shop for no reason. Then when Tyla Jay came swarming the house for no lawful reason and just as I had finished growing my weed, I got so made and frusterated I just logged off my computer. I am truely sorry for this but I hope you can understand I was frustrated as I got raided after waiting an hour for all my weed to grow just for a cop to break policy and break my doors down, cuff me and not even saying why he was in the house or why he was arresting me.
Im truely sorry and would like to Apologise to @Collier and the officers that were arresting me. I am truely sorry for my actions. Even if i thought the officer was breaking Policy and General Rules I should have taken it to an IA instead of just leaving and breaking a Roleplay Situation.

Additional Comment(s): None.
For the record, @Alyt most certainly had a lawful reason to enter your property. When you evaded Police when Brad was trying to write you a ticket for parking on the emergency parking spot, I used my speed camera to catch your plate which promptly enabled me to write a warrant for your arrest.
Actually no. I was the owner of the property and I was not warranted unlike mina
Yes, Aidan Keis was the owner of the property and he wasent warranted. I was warranted which I knew which is why I stayed in the bathroom all the time. Tyla never knew it and used a very unlawful way to just break into an unwarranted person house with no evidence he was hiding me.
Anyways, that is being dealt with an IA made my Sergeant Aidan Keis.
The pair of you have been nothing but miserable and toxic since being back here so I don't accept your apology.
I mean, We werent being 'miserable and toxic' its just that you constantly harrass us and use ay unlawful means necessary to raid us or to make us not want to play at all. Your the only officer ive seen that have doesnt follow policy, because as you said Tyla 'You wipe your ass with the Policy' ;)
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