Police Suggestion Minor Dispatch improvements

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These are seven Dispatch-related suggestions that would be, in my opinion, very useful to add to a Dispatcher's otherwise-lacking utility belt of tools.

I would advise that the bugs regarding dispatch are addressed first and foremost, however. As there are worth little if applied to a half-functional job.

#1: More incident assignment buttons
Brief Description of idea: Bring over the incident assignment buttons from the Police Computer to the Dispatch menu.
This includes the following buttons, which should be visible below incidents:
  • Assign all
  • Assign <unit> (dropdown box)
  • Unassign all
  • Unassign <unit> (dropdown box)
What benefits would this idea have for the department: Ease of use for Dispatchers to assign specific units, all units, and organise their roster.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: None.
#2: Ability to select multiple units at once
Brief Description of idea: Ability to CTRL+select multiple units for assignments as you'd do in a list, and/or ability to drag a marquee selection across multiple units on the map to select them to be assigned to an incident.
What benefits would this idea have for the department: Ease of use for Dispatchers to assign specific units and groups of units in an area without having to go through the list one-by-one.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: None.
#3: Privileges for dispatchers on the police computer
Brief Description of idea: Allow the following new privileges for Dispatch ranks:
  • Dispatchers+ can view phone numbers
  • Senior Dispatchers+ can view owned properties (they can already set warrants, so I don't see why this isn't already a feature_
What benefits would this idea have for the department: Both of these are arguably more important than the current vehicle-only arrangement, as Dispatch can then contact people regarding emergencies, confirm addresses with ground units, and provide information to officers requesting it.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: None. Chance for abuse is essentially nil, it's a phone number and Dispatchers are provided that anyway when receiving calls, this would just make their lives and job responsibilities easier.
#4: Dispatcher priority over radio
Brief Description of idea: Make it so that dispatch traffic has priority over the radio. This means that while dispatch is transmitting, other units' traffic who are speaking while dispatch is will either be muted (possibly with the click-click-click sound) or quietened until the dispatcher has completed their transmission. The exception to this would be if the unit is a Lieutenant+ or has recently pressed their panic button.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: This alleviates the constant interruptions from officers over radio without taking drastic measures such as having a mute button for certain units, and therefore would make dispatch's life so much easier.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: The exceptions are clear, and if there is an emergency where an officer needs to press their panic button they will be able to interrupt dispatch with a priority message. No other downsides to this, if an officer's message is lost because they interrupted dispatch, that is on them to wait. If dispatch continues to interrupt officers without reason, then that is something to take up with their command team.
#5: 911 phone calls automatically create incident
Brief Description of idea: 911 phone calls should automatically create an incident similar to 911 text alerts, with the location and caller's name and phone number visible and a placeholder message <911 PHONE CALL>

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Realistic as IRL 911 dispatchers use cell tower triangulation to locate a caller, prevents constant prank calls without having their location, and gives some merit to using the call function over the text function as dispatchers cannot add information while they are on a call due to the "standing-up" bug.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: None.
#6: Make selected incidents more clear
Brief Description of idea: Change the 'selected' incident icon to a completely new colour (i.e. red -> green or red -> blue) to make it stand out amongst the tens of other incidents and 'ghost incidents' that never go away due to bugs.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Would make dispatch's job a hell of a lot easier to locate and organise incidents without having to constantly sift through a bunch of other similarly-coloured icons.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: None.
#7: Dispatch server groups on TeamSpeak
Brief Description of idea: Once we get more Senior Dispatchers, a 'Police Dispatch Trainer' role or similar would be useful on the teamspeak. This would make them a channel operator for the Dispatch: Control Room channel, and also identify themselves to other dispatchers who have questions, queries or are about to undergo training.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Would allow Senior Dispatchers, who are effectively Dispatch Trainers, to be identifiable on the teamspeak to newer dispatchers/anyone with questions and also manage the control room channel without forcing the Head of Dispatch to get on, similarly to the other police subdivisions.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: None, though any permissions would have to be discussed with the HoD.
Beyond this, also fix the AFK check bugs
Beyond this, also fix the AFK check bugs
@Ayjay has fixed being AFK checked when in a chair, and not being able to communicate in voice chat whilst in dispatch chair, which will go live tomorrow. As for any other bugs, please reply to this thread with them, and we will try our best to get them resolved.
@Ayjay has fixed being AFK checked when in a chair, and not being able to communicate in voice chat whilst in dispatch chair, which will go live tomorrow. As for any other bugs, please reply to this thread with them, and we will try our best to get them resolved.
Police Dispatcher (The rank not the whole thing) does not have access to /policebroadcast even though according to our SOP we should
Police Dispatcher (The rank not the whole thing) does not have access to /policebroadcast even though according to our SOP we should

This has now been fixed.

Dispatch will be visited again in the near future for some quality of life updates.

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