moher's refund request

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Your in-game name: Moher Moussy
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:28147078
Reason: I went to upgrade my car and i had 270k in my bank when i went to get the money out it said that i cant take that amount out (208000$) so i tryed to take the maximum amount it would let me which was around 190k after that i tryed to take the rest of the money i needed to but the upgrade only to get told that i have 0$ in my account then i tryed putting the money i windowed back but did not fix.
Evidence: demo,( )
Tick: happens around 24400 ticks just as i approached the ATM
Hmm, could you possibly try and explain this a little better, I'm having trouble understanding the situation.
ok so when you get money out of the ATM it gives you quick options to windrow money like 100$ 1k and so in my case i had around 270k but the max amount that the quick windrow option gave me was 190k so i clicked it and got the 190k out of the ATM but i needed 208k so i again went to windrow but it said unable to then i noticed that i have 0$ in my account which means that around 80k just disappeared so i don't know if it is a bug with the ATM or what but no mater how much money i have in my account it will give me a max option to windrow 190k unless i use the another amount option which will let me get any ammount i want out
The max you can have on you is 200k by simply withdrawing money, so you had 200k on you after taking out the 190k. Which then when you went to try to withdraw more it won't let you take out more, you didn't lose any money it just hit the limit of how much you can take out.

Side note: upgrades for your car require money in the bank, not on hand.
i have tryed that but i am still missing 80k cuz when i when windrowed the 190k out of the 270k i should have 80k left in my account but insted it said 0 also though i had 270k in my account when i went to buy my car upgrades it keept on saying that i need 208000 for this upgrade when i had 270k in the bank that is why i though we need to have the money on had which then lead to this
It said you had 0 in your account when you pressed check balance or when you tried to withdraw more?

Again, the money for upgrades means in bank, not on your person, so when you withdraw money it takes money out of your bank account. So if you never put the money back in, you would never be able to make the purchase because your money would've been on you instead of in the bank then.
it said i had 0 in my account when i pressed check balance. i actually tried buying the upgrades before even going to the ATM cuz someone told me in the /help that i needed the money on me and an other said that i need it in the bank so i tried both starting with the money being in the account then trying to take it out

Money doesn't just disappear, you really must of just added it all up wrong.​
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