Welcome to the February 2025 edition of the Monthly Roundup. This newsletter is designed to keep our employees and the public updated with any changes in the city or department. Attached to the newsletter will be a message from the office of the Chiefs of Department, awards, key moments and careers. Any additions to the newsletter please contact Human Resources via helpdesk.MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF
Firstly, we would like to congratulate Sean, Juju and Captain on their promotions within the Patrol Command Team, and we look forward towards the work they put out for PLPD. Whilst on the topic of Patrol Command, their campaign #RespectTheLine has wrapped up, so thank you to everyone for their hard work in hosting the campaign and those that participated in the enforcement of perimeters. For those who participated, make sure to check out the announcement to see whether you won a prize!Unfortunately, Tactical Firearms Command has been experiencing a few changes within their team as we had to say goodbye to Dom and Super. We wish them well on their ventures and are very thankful for all the work that they have put into the Police Department and the Tactical Firearms Division. With this comes amazing opportunities for those looking to progress their PLPD career as the Tactical Firearms Division has opened Staff Sergeant and Lieutenant applications. For those interested, make sure to check them out and apply, we look forward to the new Command Members within the coming weeks.
Bnje (Bnjemann) has also been promoted to Acting-Major of Operation Services due to his invaluable experience and work that he has put into PLPD and we eagerly anticipate working alongside Bnje during this time.
In addition to new opportunities, Road Traffic Division is recruiting for new Traffic Trainers, anyone that is within Traffic and interested in becoming a Trainer should absolutely apply as it's a great way of gaining experience within the PLPD and a stepping stone to those that wish to become Command later in their career.
The final update is that we have finally released a new policy, 'Misuse of the IA Complaints' which can be found within the general Handbook under, 'General Policies'. This policy aims to protect our Officers from any forms of targeting/harassment via Internal Affairs but also hold those that misuse Internal Affairs accountable for their actions.
- Deputy Chief of Department Carlo Montanari
Officer of the Month and Dispatcher of the Month please create a Help Desk ticket to Human Resources to claim your $100,000 in-game bonus. Please provide your in-game bank account number on this ticket.Officer of the Month - February 2024
Awarded to: Sergeant Alexis Shelby (AcidFerret)
"The Office of Operations Services would like to Commend Alexis Shelby with Officer of the month for their recent excellent performance as a Sergeant. Their extensive proactivity on their supervisory responsibilities and impressive OR Count has not gone unnoticed, and to recognise their recent dedication in the past few months, the command team would like to bestow the honour of being Officer of the month upon Sergeant Alexis Shelby. We hope to see you continue this behaviour and continue to represent the PD as a whole in a positive light."
- Major Cosmo Sallow, Operation Services
Dispatcher of the Month - February 2024
Awarded to: Corporal Kugen Porter 4340 (Kugen)
"It is my pleasure to award Corporal Kugen with the Dispatcher of the Month award for February. Kugen was nominated by several command members due to his skillset whilst on duty as a Dispatcher. More specifically, Kugen was commended for his superb & active communication skills over the radio & whilst relaying information from camera feeds to our Officers - All whilst being respectful, calm, and professional. Additionally, he took the time to help out a probationary dispatcher on duty and did so in an appropriate manner. Congratulations and I hope we can see this consistent performance going forward!"
- Major Damon Creed (Aquaa), Operation Services
Community Policing Award

Awarded to: Sergeant John Gin 2070 (The Peak)
"I am pleased to present The Peak with the Community Policing award for his outstanding dedication and effort in winning #RespectTheLine. Your commitment and hard work have not gone unnoticed, and this recognition is a testament to your excellence. Congratulations on this well-deserved achievement!"
- Captain Steven Ficklestein
Awarded to: Sergeant Alexis Shelby (AcidFerret)
"The Office of Operations Services would like to Commend Alexis Shelby with Officer of the month for their recent excellent performance as a Sergeant. Their extensive proactivity on their supervisory responsibilities and impressive OR Count has not gone unnoticed, and to recognise their recent dedication in the past few months, the command team would like to bestow the honour of being Officer of the month upon Sergeant Alexis Shelby. We hope to see you continue this behaviour and continue to represent the PD as a whole in a positive light."
- Major Cosmo Sallow, Operation Services
Dispatcher of the Month - February 2024
Awarded to: Corporal Kugen Porter 4340 (Kugen)
"It is my pleasure to award Corporal Kugen with the Dispatcher of the Month award for February. Kugen was nominated by several command members due to his skillset whilst on duty as a Dispatcher. More specifically, Kugen was commended for his superb & active communication skills over the radio & whilst relaying information from camera feeds to our Officers - All whilst being respectful, calm, and professional. Additionally, he took the time to help out a probationary dispatcher on duty and did so in an appropriate manner. Congratulations and I hope we can see this consistent performance going forward!"
- Major Damon Creed (Aquaa), Operation Services
Community Policing Award

Awarded to: Sergeant John Gin 2070 (The Peak)
"I am pleased to present The Peak with the Community Policing award for his outstanding dedication and effort in winning #RespectTheLine. Your commitment and hard work have not gone unnoticed, and this recognition is a testament to your excellence. Congratulations on this well-deserved achievement!"
- Captain Steven Ficklestein
Patrol Campaign ResultsPromotions
Officer Noah Santiago 1055 (Hoblit) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 02/02/2025
Officer Eza Peza 5181 (dzukee) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 03/02/2025
Officer Tony Scalleta 9713 (Andreas M.) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 05/02/2025
Officer Amadej Groselj 5664 (Dr. Jannis Scholz.) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 07/02/2025
Officer Baker Foe 2223 (Honkerst) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 08/02/2025
Officer Jack Alex-Peterson 8053 (Jack Peterson) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 12/02/2025
Officer Helga-Mae Mausi 1556 (Spitti-loki) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 13/02/2025
Officer Ava Fox 7235 (ZuHo) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 13/02/2025
Officer Alice Blue 6952 (Blue) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 16/02/2025
Officer Kira Blackhand 6668 (Mr. Twizzy) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 18/02/2025
Officer Spencer Twining 4493 (Chapxe) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 19/02/2025
Officer Ned Schemer 8209 (flying bum) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 20/02/2025
Officer Jimmy Hall 4857 (Ford) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 22/02/2025
Officer Sait Zubaki 4122 (sait) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 22/02/2025
Officer Jason Hall 8800 (calebthegod) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 22/02/2025
Officer Jack Spades 6901 (German Spy) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 23/02/2025
Officer Jamess Kushner 9626 (metvphor) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 23/02/2025
Officer James Bensu 5949 (Jhames) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 25/02/2025
Officer Declan Clements 7039 (retard) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 27/02/2025
Officer Jeffery Von 3811 (omega) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 27/02/2025
Officer Michael Weston 4284 (razer) to Senior Officer, Patrol - 28/02/2025
https://plpd.online/careers/Senior Officer
Taser Certification
Probationary Dispatcher
Traffic Officer
Traffic Trainer
Tactical Firearms Officer Certification
Tactical Firearms Officer Trainer
Tactical Firearms Junior Command
Tactical Firearms Command
What is one thing you had more of?
Submitted by Sergeant Albrecht Ficklestein
Submitted by Senior Officer Alex Becker
Submitted by Officer Spencer Twining
Submitted by Corporal Nikola Fischer
Submitted by Corporal Nikola Fischer
Submitted by Lieutenant Jodie Cole
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