More Firearms and additional suggestions.

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Short explanation (in notes):
- To add more firearms into the server.
- To add new features for these firearms. (Ammunition types, internal attachments etc.)

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

Some of you may (or may not know) that the firearms within the server are from the old Half-Life 2 mod named "Firearms: Source". You can view most of it's weapons from the Steam Workshop. The server uses the old version of Firearms: Source. The pack that the user "Simonov" released is the ones I am talking about. Most of the weapons from the server are within it, however some firearms were excluded. Some reasons were blatantly obvious (the light machine guns for example) and others seem to be a perfect fit for the environment of Paralake, but were sadly not included. Let's begin, shall we?


Takes pistol ammo as it's a machine pistol. Would be suitable for SWAT also. The Chinese made this gun.

It's a Russian knife and very sharp.

Alright, I know what you're thinking. "A grenade launcher, are you serious?". Instead of it firing frag rounds, why not let it shoot buckshot rounds or smoke rounds instead? Would be an interesting addition to the Police force if it were to fire some sort of crowd dispersion rounds like tear gas. Of course rules would be set in place to prevent such being abused e.g taking this to a Regal raid would be aids - however this is a suggestion after all.

just a prank!!!


A cheap and reliable 9mm British SMG, a successor the STEN gun from WW2. However all imports to Paralake have been converted to semi-automatic by the ATF. Also comes in a supressed version. (// reason being semi automatic only is because people are going to complain about an OP silenced full auto SMG)

Fun fact: the original Stormtrooper gun from Star Wars were actually built off Sterling sub-machine guns.

It's a smoke grenade.

Pretty much the M4a1 we all know and love, but a burst fire variant. This one of designated under the name of "M4". Of course SWAT will get the choice of getting one, because why not?

Ammunition Types
Different types of ammunitions for these rounds. They may vary from hollow-points to armour piercing rounds, perhaps additional shotgun rounds. The variation of ammo types for the rifles or main weaponry within the game may be a bit complex and over all a bit OP. However, it would seem to be a good idea to explore with the 12 Gauge rounds.

- Buckshot: your average shotgun cartridge. Pretty much the ones we got the server.
- Flechette: this ammunition consists of small pointed steel projectiles that act similar to small darts. They do less damage at closer range, but more damage from a far.
- Slug: This type of ammunition is pretty much a rifle bullet in a shotgun shell. An interesting way how this could be used is if you combine a box of your regular shotgun shells with a box of rifle or sniper ammo.

Also in-case you're wondering, the view models hands/arms all seem to resemble the ones from PERPheads.

also credit me for taking very nice photographs.
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Regarding the M29 & the smoke grenade, tear gas & smoke is not possible in Garry's Mod as Source engine doesn't allow to make it act realistically, whereas it will go through walls/etc. and ruin player experiences, rather than enchance them.

I've been told there used to be a smoke grenade, and a screenshot was provided, showing how it was quite bad, and it has the same issues as the tear gas. It was also easy to see through.
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