More map functionality for the phone app

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Main Idea:
Just like the thread suggests, I want more map functionality for the phone application.

Full description of the idea:
Most people that are new to the server tend to get lost either whilst role playing as a civilian or government job, and even if they ask for help by other employees or civilians they normally get ignored or very little advice on how to navigate, I believe one of the biggest things that need to be added to help these new players is more functionality to the map application that everyone has on their phones. When the map app is accessed it only shows your current location which can be helpful but when you're a medic and you're told a location like Parker tunnel, and that someone has had a crash and is unconscious it can be quite stressful for both parties (civilian who crashed and the medic) and this normally leads to the medic being blasted on the government radio about how much of a sweater vest he is and generally a lot more hate towards that medic.

More experienced players will be accustomed to more of these places hopefully, however it never hurts to know locations that are hardly ever visited such as the docks or city office, so if a small list of these locations appeared on screen allowing players to click on the location, and maybe even get a route on how to get there I truly believe a lot of people would benefit.

Last suggestion which could lead to many issues and I wouldn't recommend it, unless theirs a smart way around the problem, would be a type of 'ping' function which may allow all org members to know your location, as binds have been removed from the org chat. (just a little suggestion, but has many flaws from what I'm thinking).

(Bare in mind the main thing I want added is an option which would allow the user to both resize the map, click and drag so they can see other locations and important locations to be lit up bold just like it is now.)

Why should it be added?:
It would become so much more useful for both old and new players if they were able to use a fully functional map instead of one that just shows your location, I couldn't imagine a project like this really taken too much time either considering I've done one similar to this without having the design of the map first time. If there's any other additional ideas that the map could use I believe they'd be able to be implemented quite easily if this is done correctly also.

As said before, a lot less time will be wasted showing new players around as they'd be able to follow the map instead if they have enough common sense, therefore there'd no longer be the excuse of 'I didn't know where to go' when new players play as a medic for example.

- A lot of new players will understand locations being called out on government radio or if they're simply interested in learning the map.
- A planned route for people driving their vehicles will make it easier, for people to follow the traffic laws more naturally and get to destinations more quickly.
- Good functionality to an application which I believe we may all say is rather dead at the moment.

- Looking at your phone whilst driving can cause quite a lot of traffic accidents at the same time, if you're not careful. As we do know a lot of people do speed. Should it be implemented I believe that their should be a law that punishes 'texting and driving' supposedly.
- Should you use the application whilst driving, you may lose control of your vehicle to check, which could also cause more issues for other road users.

*Other additions:
I really do believe this could be a massive step in getting new players around the map more easily and stop the arguments about not being able to navigate.
- It works very well alongside the new update that's been made for the phone, if anything it's the only thing I count as redundant on the phone so far.

*Images: N/A
why not just have an image of the map with all the street names and have a dot showing where you're at right now?

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