Server Suggestion More weapon slots and an official boxing ring

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Deleted member 9515

Suggestion Title: More weapon slots and an official boxing ring
Suggestion Description: I think we should add an extra slot for meele weapons and keep the secondary slot for pistols and other kinds of firearms that are considered secondary weapons.
My Secound Suggestion is either make a new model for a shop were you enter and pay a fee to box other people if you go down you get instantly ressed but can't fight for the next 5 mins kinda as a NLR thing or the same concept but added to a big prop that look like a ring that could be placed at the park or something like that with the same scrip for entering and resurrecting and the 5 min NLR.

Why should this be added?:
- For me its always hard to decide if i want to take a meele weapon and finish someone silently or use a pistol witch might or might not have a silencer.
The second Idea comes for people to level up their unharmed skill at the same point that they can earn some money.

What negatives could this have?:
- The extra slot might complicate things a bit in tearms of coding perhaps.
The Ring idea or building could be a hard to code and people could have 5 strength and high levels of unharmed already but i think that could be solved with a scrip that mesures your average dmg per punch and we could have different weight classes,
I agree with the part about having an extra slot for melee. However, I think adding a boxing ring is unnecessary. It's definitely a one-time type of thing, it'll eventually get boring and no one is going to use it. Of course, there are also people with higher skills that have a better advantage than others with their 5-strength and 8 unarmed combat. Which is why it's going to die out pretty quick.

You're better off building your own Boxing ring and RPing it out.
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