Weapon Durability System

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Description of the idea:
1) Add a system into the game which adds durability to weapon parts and entire weapons.
2) Let players repair each individual weapon part
3) Allow players to disassemble weapons and replace individual parts.

For part one, I'm suggesting that each weapon part has a durability rating, such as a rating like 100/100 or more. One example is an AK47 barrel, with this system the barrel will have a durability rating of 1000, each bullet fired from the weapon will decrease by 1 until the barrels durability rating hits 0/1000 then the can no longer use the AK47 until they replace the barrel. This then applies for every weapon part, different parts will have a much higher rating such as the wooden AK47 grip which could have an extremely high rating. This follows into part 2 and 3 where you can take the weapons apart and then repair each individual weapon part so that the weapon has full durability.
My opinion is that if this is added it would add a lot more depth into perp, players will be greatly rewarded for carrying out upkeep of their weapons as if they don't then the weapon has a chance of failing. Some people might also consider weapon maintenance as "Passive RP".

I feel that this idea can greatly affect the entire gunplay of the server. Firstly I feel that players will start carrying pistols as backup weapons instead of how people use pistols now which is as a primary weapon, people might even use guns with fewer parts so that they are easier and cheaper to repair. Secondly, I feel this will greatly affect TFU and police raids as if criminals are being raided and they have a hard defence TFU cant just shoot as much as they want, they will need to keep an eye on the durability of their weapons as if it reaches a low number they will need to return to PD to get a new one, same applies for criminals.
The idea would force people to consider how they use their weapons and how many shots they fired, its common for people to carry 15 mags of 30 and 12 boxes of ammo which can be 1170 rounds and if this system is added no single weapon will be able to shoot that many rounds before failing.

Why should this be added? (pros):
Much more realistic.
More RP.
Players will be more aware of how they use their weapons and how much they are shooting.
Completly change shootouts.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
With the scale of this idea, I think it will take a lot of coding, but that doesn't affect me.
Some players might not like it.
Players who are forced into a shootout in a pinch might get fucked by picking a weapon that's on low durability.
This idea might get compared to Farcry 2, but if the system is implemented correctly I don't think that any of the problems will occur.
Might be "too much" for PERP.

*Other additions:

Although this sounds like a cool idea, I feel this is going to be too complicated.
I don't really see a point in this.
No, this is an awful idea that would just annoy the hell out of players, we had a system like this in 2014 where the guns would degrade over time with use and it was simply awful.
This will just further complicate the game mode for no real reason beyond a botched attempt at trying to make PERP "More realistic" and ultimately shit on new players by making them entirely dependant on more experienced players to repair firearms for them, which is already a major issue as new players are relying on experienced players to provide them guns or to buy the low level items they crafted so they can level their firearms skill.
I don't think it would fuck new players over at all, it would be a good idea to make it so new players could repair their own weapons however.

if my gun jams or fails to chamber a new round would me screaming create more RP

Also, the reason why those guns fail in the first place is the sheer torture of heat and not giving them a chance to cool down, no one ever spends 1100 rounds in a single firefight non-stop. No one can explain either why suddenly every civilian in Paralake become master craftsmen by crafting baseball bats and eventually ending up with AS50's in terms of experience.

Weapons can be quite reliable if taken care of btw

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