MrAaron The Sexy Beast Himself

Reaction score
United Kingdom. Bristol
I would like to recommend MrAaron for a lot of things he was the first staff member I knew and looked up to. Mostly when he RPs and does his admin sits. Now we had a bad start to be honest me and him. He got me banned but I did deserve it and he helped me the whole way through the ban and he got me unbanned. I respected him for that. He still helps me out now. But he just inspires me by everything he does if its doing crazy things in RP...... or banning all the rule breakers he is just an overall good guy and I look up to him on this server , and I know many others do too!

Keep up the good work @MrAaron you are a great guy!

Aaron I don't really need to explain him as you all know and love him he's a fantastic member of staff and a fantastic person to know even though me and him don't speak that often the only time I speak with him is on TeamSpeak, when I am with tyla and he bases with us and when he responds to reports I make about players aaron keep the good work up I can see you going far within the staff team