I got tired of always crashing my very expensive McLaren P1 doing stupid things, so I decided to get a secondary car. I wanted something decent, one that could carry at least 4 people and have a decent trunk size. At first I had 500k to spend but I used it to buy VIP, and since I had VIP I decided to get a decent car that was in my price range. The Chevrolet Camaro SS 69. However, it wasn't as decent as I thought. It sucks that test driving cars is too damn expensive, so it's not like I could've seen how bad it was, but instead I used my knowledge in what I know about this car in real life. Sure it's not the best car, but It's not as bad as it is in-game. Now let me explain why I'm so unhappy with my new car.

This car is just as fast, if not, even faster than my IRL 2008 Toyota Camry and it has no problem driving up steep hills and going 80 mph
In reality, this car has no problem going up to 90 mph, while in-game you can barely get up the ramps to the highway. A car like this shouldn't be that slow, and if it is, it shouldn't be that expensive. This was in the 330k price range, so honestly you might as well get a Hudson Hornet.
Now I'm not saying make this one of the best cars, because it shouldn't be like that, but I just think it's a little unrealistic how bad this car is. I also noticed most muscle cars are basically the same way. This was one was more expensive then a couple other muscle cars I believe, which is why I chose this one. I've also seen how unhappy other players were with other muscle cars, and I remember one of my friends telling me when he was new to PERP, that muscle cars used to be really fast but for some reason they were nerfed. Now maybe there is a good reason to why these cars were nerfed, but here's some reasons to why I think we should make these cars better than how they currently are.
- It's just realistic
- More people would buy these cars, which means more diversity
- Newer players will have access to more decent cars
Now maybe I'm making this post because I'm salty about buying a terrible car, but just think about how fun it is to drive these things. I really don't think a car like this should have trouble simply going up a ramp. So what do you think?
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