my ram wont let me watch youtube (gone wrong)

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i installed 2 16gb RAM sticks, i'd like to say like 4 months ago from now, which brings my total RAM up to a stupid (and unnecessary) amount of 48 GB

it wasn't until i got comfortable with the new ram that i decided to go onto youtube and watch a good old "ASMR | Deep Ear Attention / Close Whispers; Intense Scratching Massage" video (as you do), once i got onto the video i realised that the video was lagging and was suddenly freezing every now and then

anyone got any suggestions as to what it may be it isnt really that big of an issue as i have a phone but yk i just wanted more ram so i could host unnecessary amounts of discord bots right from my pc but it ended up in me having to sacrifice my precious beloved website of youtube
also i believe it's your mom interfering with your internet connection, because you watching that vid.
Try a different browser for now if you're on Chrome, it has also been giving me issues recently and switched over to Brave.

If not then your drivers/hardware acceleration might be broken and you might have to re-install your drivers by doing a clean install with DDU first.
Can you tell us:

- Which type of RAM you've bought? if you have two different types/brand of ram, please list the full model number
- Which CPU you have
- Which motherboard you have, and which bios version you are on
- if you have enabled XMP/DOCP
Try a different browser for now if you're on Chrome, it has also been giving me issues recently and switched over to Brave.

If not then your drivers/hardware acceleration might be broken and you might have to re-install your drivers by doing a clean install with DDU first.
this fixed my problem holy mother of god i love u