My 'resignation'

Reaction score
!!!Play whilst listening!!!

As you may know, I have recently resigned (;)).
I decided to resign because of such reasons;
- Getting too many reports done
- Being too active

In all seriousness though, I have resigned (;)) as I didn't feel as if I was pulling my weight within the staff team. It's been quite fun but all highs come to a low. I'd like to thank @MoronPipllyd for accepting me as enforcer of May last year after my 3 months of waiting in pending xd.
I would genuinely like to apologize though for my bad effort within the staff team. I don't have a lot of time now and so this was the inevitable to happen.

Special mentions:
@AyJay - Taught me the way of life
@MrLewis - Thanks for letting me stay in so long
@HolyShititsDannyD - Took me under his Irish wing
@Smudger - My online sound-a-like
@Rogue Car Tyres - For being stinky
@Samuel - For being a dude
@ShadowJoey - 'Sorry but your report count is shite'
@Alex_:D - For allowing me into his channel
@John Daymon - For giving me the Daymon staff member approval 'Archi, I like you'. I like you two <3
@Jon Godinn - For being the sexiest man alive
@Fredy, @StephenPuffs, @Xquality - For creating the perpheads server we have all come to love
@Jordan - A genuine nice guy. The kinda guy you want to be friends with :)
@Chrissy - Although he's banned, gotta love St. John Ambupants
@Slayerduck - For singing me a lovely song
@The Perpheads Community - You've all been great!

@Chris - For sharing his A-Level Chemistry notes plus

And so, 'Goodbye everybody, I've got to go. Got to leave you all behind and face the truth'
I'd like to add that 17/23 weeks, I received red in the report count. Sounds bad like that doesn't it :(

I leave you with this;

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Thanks for your work in the staff team Archibald, the whole community appreciates the work you did. I hope you're hanging around in the community though!