My Summer Car/Finland Simulator

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Posting for the lazy bums
Buy it from Kinguin here, use the 5% discount code "Skrill", seller is "GlobalGames"

Post your moments/WIP/cars here (don't play with perma death)

Playing as Trump

Towing bae

Bae v2 giving me a good side

Don't drive the van in a gear higher than 1

Seriously, I mean it

Good morning, Finland

Curiosity kills the cat

Eat healthy, kids

Shopping like a basic bitch

@Niko @Rogue Car Tyres @Esteboon the Squatalot
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It's honestly one of the best games that I've played this year. You can really feel that it's made with pure love.

And beer.

And topless guns.
Spent 1 hour trying to find the shop for the Fan Belt.
Found it finally, it was closed.
Then I accidentally closed the game
without saving

fucking shit goddamnit
Hi, I am Niko Bellic, and this is My Summer Ca-


As I was saying, this is My Summer C-


Anyway, first things first, you need to know how to shop properly.
First, you must take your van and turn it on.

10 minutes later, when you've figured out how to start the van, only drive in first gear all the way to the city or you die

Then, get to shop, buy 5 cases of beer, go into the out-house and save, go back into game, buy 5 cases again, repeat until full van.


After you fill van with weekend supplies, get all the parts that I totally told you to order earlier


There we go! Now go back to your house and install all the parts

When you then proceed to blow out the engine on your Satsuma, tell your friends immediately.

is good game, perkele
Well, the car is finally complete. All I can say is that finishing a project in a simulator game can feel so rewarding.
It sometimes stalls but that will be fixed by adjusting the carburetor. Brakes are non-functional, either missing brake fluid or forgot to screw something, will also have to fix that later but for now I can only use the handbrake.
Even got the pussy wagon an upgrade, forgot to attach the bumpers. Thanks for notifying me @Rogue Car Tyres xd


Atleast it can drive straight, that was also fixed I guess. Next step is to bring this to the inspection place and get the license plate for it, have to bring the warning triangle from the truck so don't forget to do that aswell when you're inspecting it.

Thanks for recommending me this amazing game @Niko and everyone else. Having a blast playing trough this, such a good feeling to complete something in just a game lul. May give away a copy of this game if I feel like it.

I was looking around the images folder and I came across one called "template.png". According to the .txt you can edit this and buy it for your car. Inb4 Fujiwara Tofu shop.
>took 10 tries getting to and back from repair shop because muscle car is shit
>paid 18k for repair and paint at repair shop
>finally made it back
>waited around 1-2 days for a call from mechanic
>"your repairs are done"
>drive muscle car to end of the road, then hitchhike
>picked up by green turd
>drives all the map until finally at repair shop
>get in car, warm it up a bit
>drive to the highway
video explains the rest

Fuck it
I'm gonna try to play this again, can anyone confirm that you can actually break into the car shop?

Bigger version of the map, personally only just found this and the map in game is a pain in the arse to see