Nameinsane 3.4

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Sky-Walker/Ben Walker
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Mike Daniel
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:58528642
Why Should This Player Be Punished: He broke 3.4, he was under gunpoint and told to get out of his car, he then run off and decided to pull a gun and shoot back. He then claimed it was a glitch and we were holding road spikes.
Evidence (Demo Required): 3.4.dem
Tick: 55000

Evidence to prove he saw the gun
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To be fair, it looked liked he had his back to you and they other 2 only had spikes out, maybe if he showed his demo, would be easier to see?
From what I can see, he actually crouched after he came out the car which suggests he knew he was at gunpoint otherwise why crouch? +Support
I assume that there has been a rule break, he looked right at you. He deserves punishment in my opinion.

-edited by Mannerwaffel
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I didn't really see the weapon, I had my back to Sky-walker. All I saw was spikes and cuffs, they were both speed enforcers which means they're unarmed and therefore, I ran away. I already had a gun in my hand so I was going to shoot them until I saw him sky-walker

From what I saw you broke 3.4. If you are saying you didn't see it then show us your demo.
I broke the rules, but it was not deliberate. In all honesty I couldn't find the officer with the gun so I ran away!
I really don't know what to say, I have apologized 3 times now, there's no evidence to back up what I said.
Nameinsane has spoken to me, and seems extremely sorry about what he did. I am requesting the staff member that deals with this, take this into account.
NamesInsane, if you dont know how to upload a demo ask someone to help you. Its the least you can do to not get permanently banned again and with no chance.. From my pov I think that you definetly knew you were under gunpoint, but, I understand what happend there. It was clear you paniced. 90% of the rules broken are because of panic.
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