Server Suggestion Nerf Flashbangs

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Suggestion Title: Nerf Flashbangs
Suggestion Description: Make it possible to counter flashbangs! if a player is behind a prop and or looking away, they should NOT be affected.

if you're basing in suburbs and you are holding a door on a room it's impossible to NOT be flashed. This, amongst other cases, is a clear example of how unrealistic; unfun and un-counter-able these grenades are.

Why should this be added?:
- The game is supposed to be enjoyed by both criminals and cops
- Realistically, flashbangs aren't even this way
- There is no counter to a flashbang in some bases due to confined space so it's utterly overpowered
- The exceeding numbers of PD amplfiies the issue since more can use the flashbang at once

What negatives could this have?:
-  TFU won't use them as much
- Pushing certain bases will again require TFU to employ previous tactics and strategies like the Flash Rush (Throwing uncooked flash to make crims look away expecting to counter a cooked flash).

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Regardless if players look away or are behind solid concrete cover, they are stunned. What we have now is that even if you look away or if you're behind concrete wall, you are still blinded and unable to move.
The only reason I’ve seen anyone unironically wants them nerfed is because TFU get them for free. They see almost no use outside of the PD, nerfing them further wouldn’t help the flashbang economy by any means. This suggestions whole defense is it makes cops stronger, but the flashbang is not exclusive to them, and works on both sides.
This suggestions whole defense is it makes cops stronger, but the flashbang is not exclusive to them, and works on both sides.
Well for example, why would I ever throw a flashbang while defending my base, in their current state? I would end up flashing half of my team on accident just due to the absolutely ridiculous range and unrealistic effect of flashing players through barricades, etc. Flashbangs currently are unpredictable in the way that they effect you, I do think they need to be tweaked to a degree that at least allows for predictability. If I duck behind a barricade and stare at the floor, why am I white screened for 5 seconds when the flash popped in front of the barricade I'm taking cover behind? It's just silly how the actual flash effect works currently.

This suggestion seems to aim towards fixing a genuinely broken mechanic, and if that just so happens to "nerf the PD" as a result, that's probably a good thing.

Here is a clip that was posted in media showcase today, showing a criminal abuse the ridiculous flashbang effect on a player behind a barricade.
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As both a crim and a TFU player, I can say that

1: I've not been flashbanged through a prop; what probably happened in this clip is that the flashbang moved to the side, thus flashing everybody, or the person who was behind the prop stood up.

2: As a TFU player, using a flashbang is very risky; it opens for you to be instantly killed, and you also need to correctly time and use the flash as it could flash your whole team.

Overall, flashbangs are fine as they are right now; I use them on Crim and TFU; if anything, instead of a white screen, it should be a concussed screen, which makes the outside darker and doesn't let you ADS.
The only reason I’ve seen anyone unironically wants them nerfed is because TFU get them for free. They see almost no use outside of the PD, nerfing them further wouldn’t help the flashbang economy by any means. This suggestions whole defense is it makes cops stronger, but the flashbang is not exclusive to them, and works on both sides.
No one cares if TFU get it for free, Not sure why you felt as if thats relevant whatsoever?

Furthermore, Irrespective who whether citizens use it or not it is still not counter-able. Here is an example of a citizen using one to blind 3 people and even blinding one that's BEHIND COVER.

The fact you concluded by arguing the point about the economy of flashbangs right after saying they don't see much citizen use feels ironic but neverthless it isn't as much of an enduring issue as the balancing of how TFU and Criminal fights go down. TFU and criminal fights is a FAR bigger aspect of the game, people rely on those interactions to be balanced and enjoyable. I just can't see that happening when you got flashbangs that penetrate concrete to blind and immobilize anyone in any room.
2: As a TFU player, using a flashbang is very risky; it opens for you to be instantly killed, and you also need to correctly time and use the flash as it could flash your whole team.

Overall, flashbangs are fine as they are right now; I use them on Crim and TFU; if anything, instead of a white screen, it should be a concussed screen, which makes the outside darker and doesn't let you ADS.
Anything is risky if you don't actually know how to do it. I've been taught and taught people how to throw flashbangs perfectly and it's really easy as well as safe to do if you actually train. Firing range even has grenades, you don't even need TFO.

Cooking a flash for 3-4seconds and bouncing it off a wall safely while you're being covered by 6 other heavily armored gunmen on the one door way enemies can come through does not sound dangerous to me. Furthermore, Even people looked away behind a concrete wall predicting your flash, they're still blinded and stunned.

Does not sound fair to me whatsoever.
The only reason I’ve seen anyone unironically wants them nerfed is because TFU get them for free. They see almost no use outside of the PD, nerfing them further wouldn’t help the flashbang economy by any means. This suggestions whole defense is it makes cops stronger, but the flashbang is not exclusive to them, and works on both sides.
Incorrect, they are extremely useful for raiding, which I do frequently. Perhaps even too much. I think the current issues with flashbangs is the server latency, if you have a flash thrown at you and you look away the chances are if you took more than half a second to look away you’ll still be fully blinded. This has happened to me on many occasions to the point that I’m behind a wall literally facing the other way, I hear the flash and I’m fully blinded
Incorrect, they are extremely useful for raiding, which I do frequently. Perhaps even too much. I think the current issues with flashbangs is the server latency, if you have a flash thrown at you and you look away the chances are if you took more than half a second to look away you’ll still be fully blinded. This has happened to me on many occasions to the point that I’m behind a wall literally facing the other way, I hear the flash and I’m fully blinded
Building on this point, imagine how much worse Americans with 200-300 ping have it..

In Central America we don’t have fiber optic everywhere, let alone European standards of internet speed which are far better.. I usually get 180 ping if I’m lucky.
In Central America we don’t have fiber optic everywhere, let alone European standards of internet speed which are far better.. I usually get 180 ping if I’m lucky.
Latency is not relevant to your speed ( some cases maybe) or if you have fiber optic, what matters is your physical distance to the server you're connecting to.
Latency is not relevant to your speed ( some cases maybe) or if you have fiber optic, what matters is your physical distance to the server you're connecting to.

and this shows point is bigger since if speed doesn’t even guarantee a better experience that shows every American will suffer the latency issues on a severe levels.

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