Police Suggestion Lower Cop Slots

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United Kingdom
Suggestion Title: Lower Cop Slots
Suggestion Description: Currently, I feel the cops-to-player ratio is too high. The majority of times, the server is allowing 24 cops on duty at one time which is just stupid as there is normally only one major situation ongoing at a time meaning all 24 cops are on-scene and a lot of the time this includes 4+ TFU. There is now no economic benefit to raiding because even if you do somehow manage to win, the amount of ammunition/equipment spent stops you from gaining profit unless you raid a massive organisation base. There is always the argument that crims have AKs but I feel this doesn't even matter anymore with the constant amount of on-duty cops. Also, the flashbang buff has made TFU even more OP as it's now more widely used and is a lot harder to dodge, it sometimes even affects you now when you're looking away.

I think the cop slots should be lowered however, I don't know by exactly how much so I am open for discussion. Before all the cop mains just downvote this please actually look back at the past few weeks and realise how hard it is for the criminals to gain profit anymore. I feel like it's only a few big orgs now that go around actively raiding.

Why should this be added?:
- Balance the server a bit
- Easier for newer players who want to get involved in shootouts
- Stops 24 cops responding to a single shot being fired
- More people may raid instead of power growing and the same people raiding them

What negatives could this have?:
- Crims may win more often
I have to agree. When i used to play crim the cop rush was insane. They die fast yes but once they see you it becomes the blues brother practically. Pistol cops usually number 15 and then 5 tfu and 3-4 high command. Usually 3 tfu die, 10 pistol cops, and 2-3 of command, leaving you with 10 cops that manage to kill you, most raiding parties i see number 3-5 at most unless you're hoodrats so thats 2 cops to every player raiding usually.
i do agree with sean i dont play cop very often and when i try to raid someone and cops respond its just a zerg of cops pushing u at the same making it almost impossible to win ur raids unless ur jamie with his scripts! but all jokes aside cop slots should be lowerd or should be nerfed

I rate the signateur sean real good
With a lot of players, I do feel like the current PD slot count is too powerful sometimes. Maybe you could make a slight temporary adjustment and see how it goes?

If you decide to change it, please don't forget to keep it balanced for for times of the day with a low player count, such as EU morning (≈12-14h), don't lower it too much during those times.

As an example given skip to 5:00 and u will see about 10 cops rushing inside that other player stood absolute no chance makes it no fun for the crim

and no am not giving u credits eric
With the large amount of cop slots there is it does make it pretty much impossible to raid as a solo or even a duo. High likelihood that at least one raider will die to defenders depending on what guns they have or base etc, but then it leaves the rest of the raiders in a impossible situation against a fuck ton of cops and possibly still a defender. Personally I'd much rather raid as a solo or a duo or even a small group as its much more profitable but when you have 4 TFU and 16 pistol cops running at you aiming at your legs most of the time crippling you, it makes it near to impossible to complete a successful raid
I 100% agree with this, as someone who doesn't raid with lots of people , getting profit is rare and in small amounts, And its not just a "skill issue :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: ",with the amount of cops distributed across the map, they arrive in 0.1 seconds with either TFU or high ranking PD
In the past month:
  • There have been at least 20 cops on for 1091 minutes, a total of 2.5% of the time.
  • There have been at least 24 cops on for 45 minutes, a total of 0.1% of the time.
  • The average number of cops on duty when there are over 20 slots is about 60% of the slots available.
As you can see by the below visualisation, lowering the cop slots isn't going to have any impact for 98% of the time. You can also see that entire days go past without ever exceeding 24 slots.

The premise of the impact this suggestion will have is fundamentally floored.

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