Police Suggestion New distractionary devices

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Suggestion Title: New distractionary devices
Suggestion Description: I would like to see some variety to the distraction devices used by TFU. I have seen too many times that the flashbangs prove to be either minimally effective or just straight up useless. A lot of modern LEO agencies use things like CS gas, 9 or 4 bangers (flashbangs that go off 9 or 4 times,) or stinger grenades. I think 4 bangers would be more feasible and easily implemented than CS gas or whatever but it would be a nice addition to the TFU arsenal.

Why should this be added?:
- More of an advantage for TFU and PLPD when raiding larger buildings or heavily barricaded areas.
- Better crowd control when dealing with large gatherings of people causing a disturbance.
- More options for a less lethal approach to handling certain situations.

What negatives could this have?:
- If it is implemented on the civilian side I could see some issues arising
- No other issues I can think of.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: PLPD getting consistently wiped out during raids where an effective distractionary device could be useful.
Suggestion Title: New distractionary devices
Suggestion Description: I would like to see some variety to the distraction devices used by TFU. I have seen too many times that the flashbangs prove to be either minimally effective or just straight up useless. A lot of modern LEO agencies use things like CS gas, 9 or 4 bangers (flashbangs that go off 9 or 4 times,) or stinger grenades. I think 4 bangers would be more feasible and easily implemented than CS gas or whatever but it would be a nice addition to the TFU arsenal.

Why should this be added?:
- More of an advantage for TFU and PLPD when raiding larger buildings or heavily barricaded areas.
- Better crowd control when dealing with large gatherings of people causing a disturbance.
- More options for a less lethal approach to handling certain situations.

What negatives could this have?:
- If it is implemented on the civilian side I could see some issues arising
- No other issues I can think of.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: PLPD getting consistently wiped out during raids where an effective distractionary device could be useful.
-1, but in general it is a good idea but very hard to implement and find how would gas and stinger work .
I think a 4 banger would a be a good jumping off point. Not super sure how gas would work though I have seen some addons like gchem, the stinger wouldn't work at all I will admit.
Flashbangs are insanely effective already, you just need to use them right. The only reason you think they aren't good is because none of the RTFOs have been trained in anyway to use them, this is precisely why TFU Command delegate such a long timeframe to them during the practical and have an optional training where they are also trained in using them. I can assure you that any Tier2 TFU or higher can make great use of flashbangs due to their insane range (through barricades) and versatility.

tl;dr RTFO suck at flashbangs which is why you think they aren't good
flashbangs are very good if you know how to use them, more distraction devices would just be kinda useless. I wouldnt mind a new devicebut it should only be for Tier 2 and 3 and not be any better then a flash.

Example of flashbang enabling us to kill the person holding and catch the one in the back off guard:

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