Model Suggestion New melee weapons

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Suggestion Title: New melee weapons
Suggestion Description: Adding the following melee weapons:
- Screwdriver: Should be dirt cheap to make, do low damage, and should have a single stab as its light attack and a huge thrust as its secondary heavy attack.
- Stiletto knife: Should have a quick stab as its primary attack, and a stab and twist attack as its secondary attack. Should require a piece of metal, hunk of polymer and a box of springs to craft.
- Locking knife: A camping style pocket knife with a 4 inch blade. Should have a primary slash and a secondary stab attack.
- Zombie knife: Large machete style weapon that should do high bleed damage and be a slower alternative to the machete. The primary attack should be a slash and the secondary one a stab attack.
- Sledgehammer: Should be a non-concealable heavy melee weapon that deals incredible damage, Stun effect on head, High rate of crippling on leg hit and have huge disarm ability but lack bleed damage and be slow to swing.

Why should this be added?:
- More melee variety
- Adding melee weapons is apparently easier after the last update.
- Models for these wouldn’t be difficult to come across.

What negatives could this have?:
- Might not see much use just like current melees.
There's no need for more melees imo and the workload should be prioritized on other stuff, we've got enough of them as it is for how often they get used in the first place and they already had some updates to them not TOO long ago
Not sure about how much most would get used, but I would definitely be pro sledgehammer or something like that. Heavy non-concealed, slow but powerful weapon is a gap in the melee weapons that could be nicely filled.
There's no need for more melees imo and the workload should be prioritized on other stuff, we've got enough of them as it is for how often they get used in the first place and they already had some updates to them not TOO long ago
Yeah I’m not making suggestions for immediate implementation, chud… Average response time on a major suggestion is 2 years, so we’ll cross this bridge when we get there….
Yeah I’m not making suggestions for immediate implementation, chud… Average response time on a major suggestion is 2 years, so we’ll cross this bridge when we get there….
Allow me to put this in simpler terms; no we don't need more melees :wtf:
that would make smash-and-grab raids way too easy because youd just hit 3 times and then youre in instantly, maybe 4-5 hits or 2-3 hits with a swing cooldown
+1i feel like the meles we have now are kind of similar. the only difference ive notice is with the nat you csn knock guns out of peoples hands and thr katana does massive damanage. the addition of the sledgehammer would be absolutely fire. also the stilleto knife would be cool do add (i personally like the way it looks) eitherway +1

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