New monitor suggestions

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Hello I am in the market for a new monitor that preferably needs to be 32 inch as I use it as both a pc monitor and a lounging on my bed far away from the screen but ofc I am open to suggestions for smaller sizes

I would probably try purchase a used one too so I'd say £200 max but I am open to ideas and different prices for decent monitors :)

Thanks friends
i can personally recommend the samsung LC line monitors, they're slightly curved and only the more expensive models have built-in audio but otherwise they're nice, sleek and have a good picture, if you have external speakers, the Samsung LC32F391FWU might be a decent one. some of these are 3000R curved which is barely noticable and some have a rediciously retarded curve of 1000r, so find whatever you like. current one is 3+ years old and no dead pixels yet.