New subforum: Roleplay Documents

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Topic: New subforum called "Roleplay Documents"

Short explanation (in notes):
A subforum only for various in character stuff, for example, adverts, character stories, random posters that you'd find across the street, rumours, bounties and such.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Because I think it would definitely benefit the roleplay experience of the server. People could be reading these things and gather IC information that would be harder to obtain otherwise. This is already implemented on various HL2RP servers; another roleplay gamemode, but quite more serious. I think it would fit in this forum as well, since the RP reaches a higher level of seriousness than other roleplay servers.
Also so I have something to do when I'm not on my stationary computer. I'd either read or write stories, adverts or alike.

An example of a character story:

There's examples of adverts further down.
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Hl2rp is for non edgy people which (most of people who play per is edgy) I don't think it'd be used but if it does then you have my support.
An example (just an advert):

(Title of the thread: Valentino Guns)

Do you remember Calle's Quality Weaponry? Well, that's us! However, we changed the name due to the upgrade of our weaponry, and the change of prices! They're still quality and manufactured by Calle Valentino, but even cheaper now! We offer all kinds of weaponry; Supressed berettas, M4A1's, shotguns, ammunition and even tools for 'locksmiths', heh.
We're typically by the bazaar, but we also offer delivery in some circumstances. Just hit us up at #541-3139!
Some people believe in God. We believe in solid, quality weaponry.

Another example, but this time an advert for hitman/mercenary, without it being FailRP to advertise about. It is an illegal advert, but it is not permitted by the government, and not an advert posted in newspapers, television and alike, but just an ordinary posters hanging around the street.

(Title of the thread: Need an assault on someone? We got you!)

People may call us thugs, criminals. We do not care about reputation; we care about money. If you have the money, we'll do anything. Assassinations, beatings, arson, muggings, you name it. Just call #541-3139. Don't try to track the number, it's a burner. 500-1000 bucks first, and after, an amount which depends on the difficuly of the job. And don't try to fool us. We don't mind killing.

These are just adverts. There's also character stories and more (I personally haven't bothered writing a character story yet).

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Companies like the Private Transport Co and gun dealing based orgs could use with putting up adverts.

I completely support it provided that it is regulated well.
+support I think its needed, since there are company's which need workers. Or maybe a poster from the government which motivates to stop taking drugs or stop speeding.
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