Roleplaying Special Police Units

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England, Norfolk
Topic: Police Force Roles

Short explanation (in notes):
-As you may know everyone that joins the police force is a police officer which is why i found RP lacking in many places. I have come up with a few ideas that should expand the RP in the police

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

Otherwise known as CSI these highly trained officers have a sharp eye for piecing together evidence and using it. Called in when officers need help with charging a suspect they use their scientific knowledge and the evidence to their advantage. Not only are they experts at gathering evidence but they are well known for their interogation and going to war with lawyers.

A good example would be my Character Detective James Anders a well known officer that has never lost against a lawyer and can solve even the hardest cases.

Known to put their lives on the line for the sake of saving others negotiators are at the front of any hostage situation and public suicides. While this role is mostly filled by Lieutenants or many think that this does not need training knowing what you say will impact the situation makes all the difference.

Forest Rangers
While this unit is not seen often they specialize in the wilderness which is why most are hunters and trackers able to stay hidden long as they want and lure armed suspects into a ambush. While i do not think that this will pass the forest area can be a hotspot for criminal activity.

All i got for now if you think there could be anymore feel free to share
Optional additions:
-This requires no additions to the server however a change to the police force may be required for training and adding more roles.
I know that it has been accepted but Detectives are not all about fancy science equipment they must be able to build a crime scene from shots in the walls and blood to find where everyone was and who is victim and who is murderer very hard job.

Plus this is about role playing mostly the same RP I'm doing when I'm a detective because no-one else has thought about it.

As i said taking ideas for anymore roles
Otherwise known as CSI these highly trained officers have a sharp eye for piecing together evidence and using it. Called in when officers need help with charging a suspect they use their scientific knowledge and the evidence to their advantage. Not only are they experts at gathering evidence but they are well known for their interogation and going to war with lawyers.

A good example would be my Character Detective James Anders a well known officer that has never lost against a lawyer and can solve even the hardest cases.
As Stephen already mentioned when already have something similar planned for the future.

Known to put their lives on the line for the sake of saving others negotiators are at the front of any hostage situation and public suicides. While this role is mostly filled by Lieutenants or many think that this does not need training knowing what you say will impact the situation makes all the difference.

At the moment the Lieutenant is the person that needs to do the negotiations as he is in charge of the police force.

Forest Rangers
While this unit is not seen often they specialize in the wilderness which is why most are hunters and trackers able to stay hidden long as they want and lure armed suspects into a ambush. While i do not think that this will pass the forest area can be a hotspot for criminal activity.

Don't think we need anyour units patrolling the forest as it gets used nearly once a week.

Keep in mind that we only have 60 player slots. And we need to make it fair and enjoyable for everyone meaning that having over 50% of the server being cops.

I myself always role play as an Sergeant. Whilst off duty I do not perform any illegal activities. (There are exceptions...) As well as supporting fellow officers when it's needed. (And no I do not help them during raids or such). I mean I personally think that being able to join the police after you killed someone (as an example) is actually unrealistic.
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