Niger maffia is just a random org made becuase we dont have orgs from africa and we need more of them!
Boss- Bonquiqui Mandela
Underboss - Free
Captain - Free
Slave Master - free
Trusted - open for recruitment
Trusted Slave - open for recruitment
Baby - open for rectruitment
You can wear what ever you want we are open to suggestions and we love Trapani pasta
ALLYS: anyone with the name trapani or Marshall
Enemies: None

Boss- Bonquiqui Mandela
Underboss - Free
Captain - Free
Slave Master - free
Trusted - open for recruitment
Trusted Slave - open for recruitment
Baby - open for rectruitment
You can wear what ever you want we are open to suggestions and we love Trapani pasta
ALLYS: anyone with the name trapani or Marshall
Enemies: None

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