Not A Shooting Montage 6

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Total time spent editing: 8 hours.
Total time spent rendering: 1 hour.
Total time spent uploading: 1 hour.

I spent far too much time on this one, not to mention that I lost progress twice due to sony vegas crashing my graphics card numerous times, in total, hours lost on editing: 4 hours on top of the hours listed above.
This montage has more effort than all previous montages combined, and I doubt it was worth it, but it was at least worth a try. 16 minute video for those of you who actually enjoy these c:
And for those who want to see the mess of clips I put together, here you go.
Some clips were meant to be in sync with the music, some were accidental, you'll probably find more than I did. I only watched it about 17 times before I published it.​
There's a bunch of coins on my table, like 30 of em, I hit my desk and they go flying lmao.
thats why everytime i shadowplay shit, i turn it onto a key bind instead cause otherwise you'll just hear me banging my table a lot and getting mad
haha thanks for the feature at 15:15 i had no idea why i screamed either lmao
@Ayjay since you're a lazy shit give this man the link to all the PERPHeads rewind clips and let him make it
This laugh still exists today, I'm glad it does. (btw that's me laughing my fucking ass off in the volvo video, back when I was like 14-15 or smth, that's also back when @Creepis scared the fuck out of me by going out of noclip at high speed and landing right in front of me, filling my view with a red mist, and I legit mach 10 banged my leg into my table because i'm recoiling from the sudden remains of creepis, let's just say that hitting your leg on metal, especially between your kneecap, is not a nice experience.)
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Watched the entire video, and it was amusing!
Only part I dislike was the music, It was basicly multiple songs playing through eachother so that was annoying to watch/listen to..