Map Suggestion Ol Stool.

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Main idea:
Replace Ol Stool with a more useful shop.

There's a furniture shop right next to the chair shop, which is pretty fucking useless IMO. The store could be used for anything else and it'd be miles more useful. Move all the items sold by Ol' Stool to Chaddys and replace the shop with something useful.

A few ideas include:
- City Ragnatech
- City Jennifers
- A purchasable property
- Other ideas should be suggested below

- Would make it more useful as people probably haven't used ol stool since 2019

- None​
I’d say possibly getting rid of the fish shop NPC alongside the Coffee shop one and the Old stool one because they’re not really useful, the Fish NPC could be somewhere near docks or another fishing spot and the old stool one could go somewhere else, the coffee shop lad could have a stall somewhere like those wheel stalls in the markets next to PD.

I don’t know but they should be moved, city would just be more vibrant and could bring ahead more situations and gunfights and just more people in the city to roam around. At least all those excessive amounts of parking spaces near schwein will actually be used.
Surely though it'd be better for in character businesses to be solely based in the business sector? Although a city shop or 2 that players can own would be great.

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