Opening jail cells

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Main Idea:
Open jail cell doors

Full description of the idea:
Open the cell doors from all the different cells, not the main jail gate. This way people can go interact with eachother in jail instead of just afking till their time is over. I feel that by removing the restriction of the cell doors, it's less likely to go afk because then you have something to do.

Why should it be added?:
If the doors are opened, you can RP with eachother in jail and it could create some lovely RP and interaction with eachother.

RP and interaction with eachother
- Less likely to go AFK since you got something to do

- People RDM'ing eachother over insults(can be a new rule)
- No one who wants to guard the prisoners

*Other additions:
Remove cuffs aswell when you're in jail so you can actually interact with other people.
If jail times get increased in the future, this would be a nice thing to have. Instead of afking for 20 minutes, you can just continue RPing as a criminal in jail.
Could also be possible to have a jail guard kind of rank/job within the PD. Officers without a car could be assigned to guarding the cellmates instead.
I'm not really sure about this idea, due to the following questions I have:

What if the officer forgets to confiscate your gun?
What if you have bobby pins on you?
Would that mean you can break yourself out of jail?
Me and Belg talked about this in shoutbox before a discussion was made, it would be very fun to be a prisoner and actually be able to interact with people. I think that there should be rules for prisonRP, such as killing someone for a liable reason. If someone does something to you that would get them jumped in prison, I think it should be liable to do so. +Support
I'm not really sure about this idea, due to the following questions I have:

What if the officer forgets to confiscate your gun?
What if you have bobby pins on you?
Would that mean you can break yourself out of jail?

To counter this, all illegal items could be taken from you upon entering the jail, and given back when you leave jail. Just like when joining a job. If you are broken out you will lose the "prisoner job" when you for example go past the doors, and get your stuff back.

Take notes and edit the suggestion with any good ideas that popped up, @Belg Lmfao
Right so I'm just gonna post my personal opinion here:

I'd really like the jail cells opened so people can interact with each other however as realistic as it may be to be without handcuffs, it would cause more trouble than fun. It'll require a prison guard at all times if not several. And what will that prison guard do when there's no prisoners? It's not a normal officers job to patrol the jails.

"But in real life.... "

In real life the jail is not located below the PD, nor does it only have 8 cells.

I'd love some type of PrisonRP. It would be awesome but as I see it, there's not a whole lot to do for potential prison guards. I Mean surely, there'd be something to do if a load of people were in there but most of the time it's just one or two people. That would be a pure waste of resources.

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of being able to walk around and interact. However releasing them from handcuffs would be a fuckfest.

Opening jail doors: +Support
Releasing them from handcuffs: +/- Neutral until something would be figured out.
People keep saying about how they'd have to add a new division.
Not necessarily.
What some RP servers I've been on in my time banned do is they have the arresting officer be the prison guard at the time, so for example if @Appricey arrested @Thomas DeSimone , Appricey would then have to stay at the jails until Thomas is released to make sure that nothing happens.
It's a really good system for this kind of jail system, and I can confirm it does work.
Btw +Support adds realism.
I've actually really wanted a good jail system. I want to be able to interact with other players when I get put in jail, although knowing me if I do do anything I won't get caught ;)
But no really, it would be nice to beat someone to death in the jails. When I was Annie, some guy tried to rape my character so I had to RP flooring him by kicking him in the head and beating the crap out of him.
+support i want to beat the crap out of people ig not through /me's
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