Server Suggestion Organization Tooter

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Suggestion Title: Organization Tooter
Suggestion Description: An additional tooter account that gets added along with a new org permission called "Manage Organization Tooter". Everyone who falls under a role with this permission has access to a 6th tooter account that is made for the organization, with the name/handle being preset to whatever the org name is to prevent circumvention in regards to people using this as some sort of burner account.

Why should this be added?:
- More activity on Tooter post-revival
- Another avenue for ORG BASED In-Character advertisements, messages, and communication in general
- More Incentive to level orgs up for people who have already maxed out their tooter account limit.

I've already seen people advertising their shops and other services through Tooter, and I think it would be cool to have one shared tooter where all employees could make tweets regarding sales or anything of the sort. This could even be useful for people who run in-character news organizations, allowing all their "journalists" to tweet with the org account whenever something newsworthy happens. There are millions of different ways this could be used with the millions of different types of RP that people do.

What negatives could this have?:
- People trying to use this additional account as some sort of a burner account to troll with, instead of organization-related purposes.
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