Server Suggestion Packaging items for sale in bundles of multiple items

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Suggestion Title: Packaging items for sale
Suggestion Description: The idea here is to allow items to be sold in “packages” when bought in appropriately displayed boxes. Different display / storage items for these packages could include:

Primary Weapons: Large Pelican rifle case style box.
Concealable primaries: Smaller pelican case style box.
Secondary weapons: Pistol case style box
Furniture: Large Wooden crate.

Upon pressing E on the item, a menu should display, similar to the player search menu. All items listed inside the case or crate will be listed in front of you in quantity as if you are searching a player. 2 options will come up, one saying “buy” and the other saying “cancel”. Maybe a verify pop up could also come up prior to the purchase?

The idea here is so you could sell items in a small bundle. Rather than selling a rifle with attached attachments, you could sell a rifle with the attachments with spare magazines and ammo as well. Wanna sell a rifle with 3 spare mags, 2 boxes of ammo, A suppressor AND a compensator? No problem.

This is entirely possible with wooden crates as is, but those are relatively expensive and would in turn cause an unnecessary price up.

The bazaar scene right now is lacklustre in terms of selling magazines as those are commodities players keep. This would allow the bundling of weapons and attachments in neat little kits.

Why should this be added?:
- Bundling items made easier
- Bazaar shop owners have the option to sell spare magazines included with a gun without having to be there in person and hand people magazines.
- Players could be given “weapon starter packs” Meaning they could receive necessary means to use their weapon beyond a single magazine.

What negatives could this have?:
- Bazaar looking less attractive with crates and rifle cases replacing displayed goods? Idk.
- Model work required
- This would be an entirely new system inheriting systems from another existing system which serves a different purpose.
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