Paralake Ballas Applications

Reaction score
The Paralake Ballas has had a big comeback and we’re now opening the opportunity to become a part of us.

No requirements just apply below, we review applications on a case-by-case basis.


Steam ID:
Character Name:
Play Time:
Useful Assets (guns, cars, etc):
Are you willing to contribute towards the org (org XP, partnerships, etc.):
Why would you like to join?:
Anything else to add?:
Last edited:
Character Name: Nate Jones

Play Time: Like a couple monfs 4 months

Useful Assets (guns, cars, etc): volvo 850r, mini cooper, ford rapetor, hudson hornet, mazda rx7, lexus ISF, ford tranasit, mercudes mclaren SLR, vauxhall corsa, chevrolet c10
I have lots of frigging loot too

Are you willing to contribute towards our thread?: hell yeah brotha

Why would you like to join?: because i LOVEEE paralake ballas

Anything else to add?: i was like one of da first friggin people to comment on the main thread and ive been subscribed for years i lorve parsuutt savafge he is a focking gangstar
Character Name: Nate Jones

Play Time: Like a couple monfs 4 months

Useful Assets (guns, cars, etc): volvo 850r, mini cooper, ford rapetor, hudson hornet, mazda rx7, lexus ISF, ford tranasit, mercudes mclaren SLR, vauxhall corsa, chevrolet c10
I have lots of frigging loot too
View attachment 23627

Are you willing to contribute towards our thread?: hell yeah brotha

Why would you like to join?: because i LOVEEE paralake ballas

Anything else to add?: i was like one of da first friggin people to comment on the main thread and ive been subscribed for years i lorve parsuutt savafge he is a focking gangstar

Somebody accept this man
Character Name: Nate Jones

Play Time: Like a couple monfs 4 months

Useful Assets (guns, cars, etc): volvo 850r, mini cooper, ford rapetor, hudson hornet, mazda rx7, lexus ISF, ford tranasit, mercudes mclaren SLR, vauxhall corsa, chevrolet c10
I have lots of frigging loot too
View attachment 23627

Are you willing to contribute towards our thread?: hell yeah brotha

Why would you like to join?: because i LOVEEE paralake ballas

Anything else to add?: i was like one of da first friggin people to comment on the main thread and ive been subscribed for years i lorve parsuutt savafge he is a focking gangstar
Accepted mate pls message :)
paralake ballas applications still open we are a real org
Character Name: Mikey meatball
Play Time: idk
Useful Assets (guns, cars, etc): i have a maxed scion man
Are you willing to contribute towards our thread?: idk man
Why would you like to join?: Idk man
Anything else to add?: Nah bruv
Character Name: Mikey meatball
Play Time: idk
Useful Assets (guns, cars, etc): i have a maxed scion man
Are you willing to contribute towards our thread?: idk man
Why would you like to join?: Idk man
Anything else to add?: Nah bruv
Denied sorry mate try again with a slightly better application :)
Character Name: Damian Kalashnikov

Play Time: Few weeks

Useful Assets (guns, cars, etc): I'd estimate a few million, have a double upgraded BMW and probably a few million in weapons for base defense / raiding.

Are you willing to contribute towards our thread?: Always, love focusing on RP and organization relations.

Why would you like to join?: I've seen you guys around basing and chilling at bazaar, both things that I like to do.

Anything else to add?: Nothing specific, hope you'll take me on - I'm sure I can be of help to you guys.
Character Name: Damian Kalashnikov

Play Time: Few weeks

Useful Assets (guns, cars, etc): I'd estimate a few million, have a double upgraded BMW and probably a few million in weapons for base defense / raiding.

Are you willing to contribute towards our thread?: Always, love focusing on RP and organization relations.

Why would you like to join?: I've seen you guys around basing and chilling at bazaar, both things that I like to do.

Anything else to add?: Nothing specific, hope you'll take me on - I'm sure I can be of help to you guys.
damn i forgot i even had this thread

Accepted - forum PM will be sent :)