Paralake map suggestion (Feature)

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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Topic: Night cell + long cell

Short explanation (in notes):
MrAaron: the pd is used as a night cell
MrAaron: 1 year - 2 year max
MrAaron: and the big flat grass area
MrAaron: turned into jail
MrAaron: for 3-10 years

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): The flat grass area is turned into a big jail since its a road going up to no where and is isolated from the public view, so this means you can put people in from 3-10 years and the small jails in the pd is a night holding cell.

I know XQ has reached the map limit but it would add much more features to the server and could add a prisoner transport van.

Optional additions:
- You decide in comments.

Add more when home.
(Just an idea)
Brush wise, it's just at it's Limit. Something would have to be sacrificed in order to add this. The grassy area is also really useful, for some events and future events that will be taking place on the server!
I don't feel this is needed at all. Sure it would add a bit more fun, some more realism and other things. But generally as @MattIsMadForCod said; the grassy land can be used for so many things (i.e - Events). In my opinion this would just take buckets of time to do, and wouldn't really have any huuuuuuuuuuge gain for itself after it was made.
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+support I really like this idea but maybe increase the jail time? We all know that its a pain in the ass to be in jail but not able to break them out? Or will we implement a way to break out of the big jail? Maybe put 5 years minimum for the jail?
+Support would add realism and roleplay on a high lvl. Amazing idea this is what we need!

Dont think this would do anything but make the server more complicated and laggier. The jails are fine as they are.

Seems like a bit of a waste of space, considering there is only ever one or two people in jail at one time, and at most they will only be in there for ten minutes.
-support I think the grass area should be used as a small village with a few business shops. And a small car park. If it is turned into anything it should be a village or a gang area with a load of clubs and bars

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