Paralake Red Cross (PRC)

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Paralake Red Cross - Serving for Paralake​


The “International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies” (IFRC)/ “International Committee of the Red Cross” (ICRC) was founded it 1919 and since then coordinates all activities of the 188 (actually existing) “National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies”. It was founded to protect human life and health, to ensure respect for all human beings, and to prevent and alleviate human suffering. At the beginning of 2016 the planning of the Paralake Red Cross has started. (Except the last sentence, this is the real history)

What are we:
The Paralake Red Cross is, as all other Red Cross establishments, is a humanitarian movement. The goal of the PRC is, to ensure the wellbeing of all human life and prevent it from being damaged.

What do we do:

We offer a variety of courses, regarding human health and first aid. Furthermore we offer care for the elderly, aid in armed conflicts and natural crisis, aswell as services for events.
Please note that all of this is free of charge as we are a voluntary organization! An exception are the courses in order to cover location costs


We offer a variety of courses:
- Basic first aid - You will learn the very basics of First Aid, like CPR or how to bandage somebody properly. This will take about 20-30 minutes [IRL] and will cost you $1000.

- Basic First aid refresh : The knowledge of the Basic first aid course will be refreshed; We suggest to redo this all 2 years (Same costs/time applies).

- Advanced first aid - You can only take this course one you completed the Basid first aid course. You are going to learn way more than you did in the basic course. This is going to take 25-40 minutes [IRL] and will cost you $1500.

- Advanced first aid refresh: The knowledge of the Advanced first aid course will be refreshed; We suggest to redo this all 3 years (Same costs/time applies)

- Paramedic license: You will get to know anything there is to know about first aid and may officialy call yourself a "Volunteer Paramedic". In order to start working with us you will need to have your paramedic license. This will take about 35-45 minutes and will cost you $2000. We suggest you to do the additional course(s) aswell.

Additional course(s):
-Children first aid course: You will learn how to conduct proper first aid on a child. This will take 15-20 minutes and will cost $750.

-Basic fire safety: You will get to know how to conduct yourself when there is a fire.

How to get in contact with us?
In order to get in contact with us, please either call Special Service Leader Zoey Bryson-Rogerson (#186-6284) or by simply sending us an e-mail: [email protected]

Chain of Command:

Special Service Leader: Dr. Jaden Rogerson (Myself)
Assistant Special Service Leader: Cole Rogerson @Cole
Platoon Leader: Callum Byford @The HitMan
Squad leader: n/A
Senior Paramedic: n/A
Paramedic: n/A

Instruction team:

Leading Instructor: Dr. Jaden Rogerson
Supervising Instructor: Cole Rogerson
Senior Instructor: n/A
Instructor: n/A

PEMA - Paralake Emergency Management Agency @Prepper

Please realise that the purpose of this organization is passive rp, nothing more, nothing less.
Also, anyone who feels the need of "declaring war" or whos only way of getting to his climax needs to raid us: You wont get anything out of it, except a little bumfuck in jail.
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