Paralake Republican Front: EARN CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!

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To the people of Paralake:

Whilst many of you live relatively “free” lifestyles, your rights are under threat!

Within Paralake lies an ever growing threat that WILL ruin your daily lives!

The PLPD are fighting to end your right to possess firearms. They want you to surrender your man card, your ticket to freedom, your right to truly claim your sovereignty. They don’t care who you are, what you do, and how legal your lifestyle is, they wish to CRIMINALISE you for owning a simple, everyday tool like a G3A3 fully automatic battle rifle, or an AS50 anti material rifle!

This has already begun, police are already seizing our DEFENSIVE hand grenades, and Explosive devices! This is pure TYRANNY!

Alongside this, Even our BELOVED Paramedics have began violating our civil rights, by giving us “first aid” unnecessarily without being asked! This goes against our civil rights, yet the hospitals are PROMOTING medics who begin treating you for ”injuries” without consent!

For these above reasons, We hereby claim Paralake as our own state, and wish to free it to become more than dictated territory. We hereby claim the city of Paralake as our own. We will reclaim Paralake from the maws of the Paralake City council, the government forces, and the Paralake Police Department and we will not hesitate to knock down anyone who opposes liberation!

Our Constitution:
Act 1: Cast of governance:
1: The government of Paralake and all figures of political influence may only hold such positions at the will of the People, through a recorded and well thought out election.
2: The state may not fund the political campaigns of any and all governing politicians.
3: The slaying of any Political Figureheads currently in office shall be excused from legal persecution if doing so is to uphold the constitution.
4: Private sales may not be taxed if the seller chooses not to. business establishments must pay taxes, but no more than 5%
5: No leader may serve more than 2 terms in office consecutively.

Act 2: Civil Liberties:
1: All citizens may bear arms with no limitations in order to protect themselves, their families, and their livelihoods, and to uphold the constitution as so it is written.
2: All citizens have the right to speak freely without risk of persecution
3: all citizens have the right to practice whatever religion they please as long as no harm may be present.
4: All citizens have the right to defend their homes and workplaces with as much force as necessary.
5: All citizens are not required to give information to law enforcement and may not be charged for refusing to do so.
6: All citizens have the right to practice their lifestyle choices without risk of persecution for doing so.
7: All citizens, regardless of incarceration, hold the right to vote, Eat, Drink, and have some sort of recreational activity.
8: All citizens hold the right to kill anyone who appears to be making sexual advances towards a child, regardless of their Parental status.

Act 3: Business and work rights:
1: All citizens who make an honest living hold the right to at least 85% of their income going to them.
2: All workers hold the right to a consecutive pay check of no less than $120 a minute.
3: All citizens who are expectant hold the right to a maternity leave of no less than 1 year.
4: The employer must cover medical costs of injured employees.
5: No business establishment can be forced to provide services or merchandise of any and all varieties, including but not limited to water, gas, electricity, medical supplies, and fuel to a government entity without payment.
6: No business establishment can be forced to provide a discount to a government entity.

We are not a registered organisation and all of our members come from multiple organisations, all Members remain anonymous until they themselves proclaim membership to the public.

Our wings:


The political wing is our campaigning party that runs for mayor to implement our ideal policies and to uphold our constitution. They also campaign for and against laws that will violate our constitution!

Our Volunteer force is our “Action” wing, who stage protests and are armed and ready to protect YOUR civil rights! They stand ready to fight for YOUR freedom! They aren’t “terrorists” as our OPPRESSIVE political opposition may claim!

Enemies of the People:
XQ Bank:

XQ bank are the dirtiest criminal organisation in Paralake. From Charity fraud, To wrongful evictions and even Fraud, XQ bank splurges out from the city funding secretly to fund their lavish lifestyles.
Facts about XQ bank:
- XQ Bank funded far right death squads in Africa and the Middle East.
- The CEO of XQ bank, Robert Banks, owns a copy of Mein Kampf and also has a poster of Pinochet!

