Police Suggestion Patrol rework

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I know there have been plenty of suggestions to give patrol officers extra equipment. And I have heard @GamingPeach and @Jimmy Jackson are working on it.
But I do hope it will become a fair choice when you have to choose between patrol and traffic. That's why I think patrol officers should be giving some exclusive assists as well.

Brief description of idea:

- Patrol officers get access to a uniek police vehicle.

- Patrol officers that are Corporal+ gets also access to the Mossberg 590A1 Shotgun

- Patrol officers get access to police broadcast

- optional Patrol officers below the rank op Corporal may carry a remington shotgun if they are patrolling with a SGT+ and get exclusive permission to do so. (this shotgun can be shared by giving trunk access.)

What benefits would this idea have for the department:

A better balance between the assists in the different divisions giving both sides benefits to join.

What potential negatives could this have for the department:

-To divisions that keep upgrading their assets to draw in as many officers as possible. Making cops eventually to strong. However I do think this is unlikely to happen.
-We need to make sure patrol does not become the new TFU.
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Patrol get PB you need to be ranked sergeant+ though I believe compared to traffic at any rank.

If supervisors can give people the option to use their Remington then that should be a PD wide policy not singled down to patrol. Imo
I don’t see a problem with adding in a different police vehicle for patrol, why not?

The shotgun is useless and people will carry on using the remmy, guns shouldn’t be split off for anyone.

Patrol officers above the rank of Corporal or SGT+ may already use the police broadcast system and it’s pretty obvious why in some cases. RTU officers have access to the Police Broadcast for our notifications to the players that there is a Road Traffic collision that’s being cleared up.

Furthermore, like @CaughtRed said, the shotgun policy shouldn’t be eased for patrol since it’s a PD wide policy and it’s just like that.

What else can you add to patrol to make it different, it’s just patrol? New cars sure but it depends what else they actually need and I don’t think they need any extra compared to RTU since we as a division actually use our equipment and it’s based around our division.

There’s not so much all special for the officers starting off besides ranking up.
Corporals and below cannot use the police broadcast if their in patrol. I do not think this broadcast is only traffic related. And therefore should not only be given to RTU. It can also be used to inform the public about fires, motivated them to become medic and more. (This should be a PD wide policy.) And then I am not evening mentioning the fact that patrol officers also face traffic related cases on a regular base. Just like traffic officers respond to a raid.

The shotgun is not useless. In some situations it way stronger than a pistol.

I think patrol does need extra equipment to bring a fair balance between the divisions. A better shotgun would be fair addition and one that will be used.

I have no problem with changing the shotgun policy for all officers. But like I said it's optional. I think the other points are not if you want to keep patrol an up to date division within the department.

I am not suggesting to take away anything from RTU. I just suggesting to add something to patrol.
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Thank you @Alliat for your post.

To start with I can stand behind you on all your points besides the shotgun policy. I think Patrol would become a slightly worse version of TFU if you give them shotguns and I couldn't even imagine the outrage from the public who don't play cop much (which in this case is understandable).
I would like to make you aware Alliat and anyone else that is reading this that the suggestions put forward surrounding extra equipment for patrol is under constant review with some plans going forward around the whole equipment/cars and this is currently sat with General Operations and Senior Management to push through the gate.

Patrol don’t need another shotgun just for them, if you want more guns join TFU, there isn’t any reason Patrol should have their own shotgun because it makes no difference having that other shotgun. I never said shotguns as a whole are useless since I said we already have the remington

The police broadcast isn’t only given to officers in RTU like I had said, I mentioned either corporals or SGT’s plus having them, I’d say put it down to corporal or snr Officer for the broadcasts (for the ones in Patrol).

Extra equipment sure but not guns, I’d say cars and other equipment that may not be used by RTU officers. But you need to find a reason for Patrol having their equipment and not suggest random ones and you’ve got to think of policies and other things surrounding them.
@Kenty don’t be too hasty to assume patrol shouldn’t have more firearms. I’d say maybe but not primaries.
@Kenty More choice of shotguns doesn't negatively affect anything, it's nice to have a bit of variety much like it's nice to have a lot of pistols to choose from. You've yet to give an actual reason why a choice of shotguns for patrols CPLs is a bad thing, you just called it useless without an explanation. Saying it's not needed isn't really valid when the reason for adding it is a lack of equipment to encourage people to stay in patrol. It's just a cop-out response.

The point everyone in patrol has been making is there is ZERO incentive to stay in Patrol. Traffic has everything Patrol has + 3 exclusive fast cars + a load of cool unmarked vehicles + speed cameras.
Massive disclaimer: the following is just my opinion.

There are currently 2 general divisions: Patrol and Traffic. I think the problem lies within the fact that there are 2. The concept of Patrol vs Traffic should not exist. It's like discussing Patrol vs TFU. This is why I believe these divisions should be rethought carefully (I'm not going to go into detail here because I believe the whole PD should be rethought as well).
- Patrol officers get access to a uniek police vehicle.

- Patrol officers get access to police broadcast

- optional Patrol officers below the rank op Corporal may carry a remington shotgun if they are patrolling with a SGT+ and get exclusive permission to do so. (this shotgun can be shared by giving trunk access.)
- Patrol get access to a unique car.
There is no benefit or proper justification for adding a new car, the current patrol fleet isn't great in certain aspects such as handling but we believe it would be better to make all cars useable than adding a new one and ignoring the problem.

- Police Broadcast
You get access to it at a certain rank, Sergeant I believe. I don't think lowering this limit down a rank or two is a bad idea but giving it to everyone doesn't seem very smart.

- Remington Policy
I fail to see any benefits behind this, would most likely just end in a load more complaints about random Officers shooting everything they see.
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