Server Suggestion Paychecks/Realtor Relocation

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Suggestion Title: Paychecks/Realtor Relocation
Suggestion Description: Add paychecks to the game that players will have to cash at the bank, and move the realtor from the bank to City Hall. Make all salary jobs give paycheck information to the bank, and then the players go to the bank and see how much they have to cash/deposit.

Why should this be added?:
This is just an idea to make the purpose of the two buildings more realistic. The bank teller will still have use in being able to cash players checks instead of there just being a direct deposit. This would also make players able to buy property from a realtor NPC in city hall, giving the building even more use for the general public! Give them a nice little office maybe ;)

What negatives could this have?:
Players can't immediately use the money they have been paid from salary jobs. But this also brings roleplay aspect into payroll.
I’d like to see the real estate moved, it can be annoying when you want to buy a property with an ongoing bank raid. Disagree on the paycheck thing, perhaps this would work better as two distinct threads for each suggestion
I feel why you made this suggestion but also @rxsm said something very true. Some middle ground would in my opinion be to at least make the player get an item called a "House Loan." then that player reserves the buy for that house and they can just take it to city hall to hand it in completing the transaction. If the player doesn't fulfill this within 5 minutes of acquiring the papers the transaction will be cancelled and the loan will be refunded.

My idea is sounding like a totally different suggestion but in reality it is actually what the middle ground would be in my opinion. What do you think? @BradHatta
The issue with this suggestion is that it is simply not worth the effort. The thing is that your paychecks are low, like, really low. Who is going to take a walk all the way to city hall, and then to bank to cash in 25$? As for city hall, it doesn't do much for realism to place the relator there, if we really wanted realism, it would be in its own shop. The bank in this case actually makes a bit more sense than city hall, as the bank technically is the legal owner of the property.
@Sindarin The checks would compound as you work. So once you get off your shift, or even while you are on it, you may go to the bank to cash out your paycheck. I'm sorry I didn't explain that fully.

@MalekisWeird The house loan does sound like a different plan, but something that would allow newer players to get an apartment, start working, and then pay it off. But the timer should be like 30 minutes maybe.

@rxsm The sweaters make drugs and sell for cash, so the paychecks would not apply to them.
@Sindarin The checks would compound as you work. So once you get off your shift, or even while you are on it, you may go to the bank to cash out your paycheck. I'm sorry I didn't explain that fully.

@MalekisWeird The house loan does sound like a different plan, but something that would allow newer players to get an apartment, start working, and then pay it off. But the timer should be like 30 minutes maybe.

@rxsm The sweaters make drugs and sell for cash, so the paychecks would not apply to them.
i was an adhd pvper perpheader as cop

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