Suggestion Title: PD Access to shooting range
Suggestion Description: A lot of new players going cop may be totally unfamiliar with how the weapons shoot, which severely effects their performance when in real situations with them. Police should be able to access the shooting range, either at the shop or a separate NPC at the police station. Of course the weapons they could use would only be the weapons available to them as an officer depending on rank.
Why should this be added?:
- It allows new police officers to practice their pistol
What negatives could this have?:
- Cant think of any
Suggestion Description: A lot of new players going cop may be totally unfamiliar with how the weapons shoot, which severely effects their performance when in real situations with them. Police should be able to access the shooting range, either at the shop or a separate NPC at the police station. Of course the weapons they could use would only be the weapons available to them as an officer depending on rank.
Why should this be added?:
- It allows new police officers to practice their pistol
What negatives could this have?:
- Cant think of any