Server Suggestion PD Access to shooting range

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Suggestion Title: PD Access to shooting range
Suggestion Description: A lot of new players going cop may be totally unfamiliar with how the weapons shoot, which severely effects their performance when in real situations with them. Police should be able to access the shooting range, either at the shop or a separate NPC at the police station. Of course the weapons they could use would only be the weapons available to them as an officer depending on rank.

Why should this be added?:
- It allows new police officers to practice their pistol

What negatives could this have?:
- Cant think of any
There’s already a shooting range anyone can access at the gun store. You aren’t being paid on duty to shoot guns at a wall/metal sheet so this is a pretty bad idea.
There’s already a shooting range anyone can access at the gun store. You aren’t being paid on duty to shoot guns at a wall/metal sheet so this is a pretty bad idea.

Real police stations have shooting ranges for the officers fyi.
There’s already a shooting range anyone can access at the gun store. You aren’t being paid on duty to shoot guns at a wall/metal sheet so this is a pretty bad idea.
If a cop prioritizes spending time in the shooting range over responding to ongoing situations, they'll just be blacklisted/demoted the same way cops who prioritize watching TV or standing around in casino do.
If a cop prioritizes spending time in the shooting range over responding to ongoing situations, they'll just be blacklisted/demoted the same way cops who prioritize watching TV or standing around in casino do.
Exactly. Its no different than a police officer messing around in any other way. Another way to prevent this would be maximum 5 minute sessions, and they cannot go back for an hour.
Exactly. Its no different than a police officer messing around in any other way. Another way to prevent this would be maximum 5 minute sessions, and they cannot go back for an hour.
Why be choked for time when you can go to the shooting range, pay a small fee and test all the secondaries/ primaries you want?
Just do shooting range before you become an officer if you want to practice. this is unnecessary, thats my opinion
Shooting at a static target isn’t really going to improve your aim anyways. The shooting range is pocket change.

A better suggestion for this sort of idea is coming from me momentarily.
Real police stations have shooting ranges for the officers fyi.
A massive portion of in-station shooting ranges were decommissioned due to lead contamination concerns and to begin with were mostly used by quartermasters for equipment checking anyways, for testing of firearms believed to be used in a crime by ballistics investigators, or for training purposes in some cases. Most firearms training is done before you are able to enforce the law as an officer. On duty officers weren’t dicking around spending tax money on shooting in the range when they are on duty, as an officer you are acting as someone on duty.

- It allows new police officers to practice their pistol
Pistols are literally point and click adventure games. They don’t really force people to use anything else but aim, a skill many people learn before they join the server.

What negatives could this have?:
- Cant think of any
Let me do it for you:
- Officers on duty in a gun range rather than actively patrolling to spot and deal with crime.
- Even if there was a crime in the gun range, there’s no way for said officer to intervene.
- People going on duty solely to use the free gun range, hogging a slot to shoot guns.
- Completely unnecessary.
- Gun range for pistols only costs 1K anyways.
- Would change nothing in terms of officer skill.
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