PD raid for raiding slums?

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Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name: Slayerduck / Joe Baggers
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Gijs Falcon and Victoria Gonzales

Glacial_Subzero STEAM_0:0:75036557
Di Blasio Elio™ STEAM_0:1:148904706
His/Her SteamID: ^
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4, 2.5, (5.4 - only Glacial_Subzero, killed medic 18 sec after killing me inside the PD)

As usual the plpd is under staffed. A raid is happening on slums and me as the sole TFU officer against like 8+ people i decided to pop a few shots trough the window. It was returned by a firestorm of rounds so i hid. Some people decided then that its a good idea to do a full raid on the pd instead of actually getting away because i'm still alive in the PD. Even though they had all the chance to take exit routes such as regals, slums back ally, slums main raid, RC ally, PD ally. None of these i would have sniper vision to even if i still had a sniper. Raiding the PD because you're raiding slums is unacceptable.

1) 3 officers, only 1 still alive in PD VS 10 people.
2) One died trying to raid the PD
3) Nearly unlimited escape routes
4) Raided PD to kill the last officer, even though they had 10 (8?) people outside.
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Involved in the shootout as you can hear me full on spray the window with a G36C @0:40. I believe the reason why they raided the PD and instead of fucking off is because the raid at slums was still going on and you were pretty much in a safe heaven with you sniping people trough that window near the bandage/barricade NPC were they assumed that you wouldn't even step a foot outside. They wanted you gone asap or else they'd take more casualties as you sniped some on the street and they had the necesarry man power (seriously, 10 people raiding slums lul) so they took the chance and had some medics alive in the end until some special needs finished them for some reason.

That's what I speculate though, I don't have any exact reasoning nor was I with the idea of breaking and entering the PD just to kill a single TFU officer.
Involved in the shootout as you can hear me full on spray the window with a G36C @0:40. I believe the reason why they raided the PD and instead of fucking off is because the raid at slums was still going on and you were pretty much in a safe heaven with you sniping people trough that window near the bandage/barricade NPC were they assumed that you wouldn't even step a foot outside. They wanted you gone asap or else they'd take more casualties as you sniped some on the street and they had the necesarry man power (seriously, 10 people raiding slums lul) so they took the chance and had some medics alive in the end until some special needs finished them for some reason.

That's what I specualte though, I don't have any exact reasoning nor was I with the idea of breaking and entering the PD just to kill a single TFU officer.
Even if they have 10 people it is unacceptable to actually break in the PD to kill officers just because they were raiding slums. The window offers extremely limited view and only a tiny part of shady street. There are nearly unlimited escape routes at that point, and like you said with those amount of numbers they should easily fire trough the window or use supressive fire.
Some people decided then that its a good idea to do a full raid on the pd instead of actually getting away because i'm still alive in the PD.
Actually thats where you're wrong buddy, we went in and out within the minute, except for the part where the medic stalled like a bitch.

So sad how perpheads has become, full of toxic people who take the game to serious over a death. Expect to get rushed by 10 people if you're sniping and hiding, stop being salty and toxic about it in ooc and shoutbox and grow the fuck up dude.
My reasonings behinds my actions are:
  • To save my friends lives
  • It was beneficial in many ways
  • our survival chances increased cause of me
  • we all survive in the end
I was involved:

This is such a dumb ar and is made out of pure madness of dying twice in the space of 20 minutes. Every single raid you find a shitty place to camp and you shoot us when we've finished the raid and are coming out. Our org members were fed up of it and decided to kill you, we knew we could be pinned and like usual you would camp and shoot, and then go in ooc about 'killing 10 people'.

Get over yourself dude, our org had every single right to raid the pd to shoot you as alot of our org members would have died.

Whenether you die you feel the need to blame it on either '4x's the people in an org' or '3.4 because you were running away'. We know what you're like you get shot at, you find another place to shoot and then you continue to pick us off.

PD isn't your little safe haven, so dont treat it like it is.
Thanks for your responses, i see we both got different opinions on whenever a PD raid is valid. I don't think further comments from me would change anything i already said in OP. Leaving this to a staff member ;)
Involved in the shinanigans that happend.
Tbh wit you yea it was either we try do a runna and get gatted by you or raid PD kill you then do a runner and live.
Dunno bout you but I see killin you and doing a runner better than risking you shooting me innit.

Who tf thinks it's a good idea to raid a building normally full of police officers because one was shooting? There were 3 cops and 10 of you, there was no need for you to break in, as most likely you would of gotten away if you tried. The window in PD has absolutely no view of anything but Slums, so you can't say that "oh we would of gotten immediately shot if we left Slums"
Who tf thinks it's a good idea to raid a building normally full of police officers because one was shooting? There were 3 cops and 10 of you, there was no need for you to break in, as most likely you would of gotten away if you tried. The window in PD has absolutely no view of anything but Slums, so you can't say that "oh we would of gotten immediately shot if we left Slums"
Sorry, I did not realize that people who are blind can play games? that PD window has a full view of all slums apartments it also has a complete view of the fire station area for people running over the road with guns. But as baggers said I'm sure the staff will deal with it.
In all honesty, when you shoot people from the pd, and even at the entrance, you should expect to get pushed, whether it is a police department or not they didn’t “raid the pd” they simply bobby pinned the door where u were standing to kill you to stop you from peeking the door again and killing them, we know ur play style and hat u are very sneaky and are good at doing it. I’d say that it was valid from the point where u shot at them from the entrance then ran back inside, I agree that there were probably better ways to do this which wouldn’t have caused your death but unfortunately when you are in the moment and someone shoots at you, you kinda do what u can to kill them(especially TFU as they are obviously a bigger threat) I don’t think anyone actually wanted to raid PD for you but they definitely wanted you dead which led to them pushing you at the PD when you had shot st them while they were flanking as seen in the video. My main point is, we know ur play style and know what u would do if you were kept alive, at the point of you peeking the front of the PD and shooting the flankers you became a big threat to their lives and therefore they did what they could to take you out, had you just kept sniping from the window I doubt they would have raided.
I guess this is one of those things that would trigger someone but can be seen differently from both sides, the dependancy of this AR kinda depends on the opinion of the staff member dealing with it, I’m sure there are many opinions on this.

I was involved btw.

Who tf thinks it's a good idea to raid a building normally full of police officers because one was shooting? There were 3 cops and 10 of you, there was no need for you to break in, as most likely you would of gotten away if you tried. The window in PD has absolutely no view of anything but Slums, so you can't say that "oh we would of gotten immediately shot if we left Slums"

As you can see in the video baggers was a threat to their lives as he sniped one and shot at others with the m4, if baggers was left alive he would have probably killed half of us with his sneaky shenanigans. As I said in my reply people will have many opinions so it is down to the staff member dealing with it really.


Who tf thinks it's a good idea to raid a building normally full of police officers because one was shooting? There were 3 cops and 10 of you, there was no need for you to break in, as most likely you would of gotten away if you tried. The window in PD has absolutely no view of anything but Slums, so you can't say that "oh we would of gotten immediately shot if we left Slums"

The window has a perfect view of the door, which 10 of us wanted to get out of, without being sniped. We would have lost a lot of people if @Glacial_Subzero didn't do what he did. Pretty sure there was no casualties either.
I do have one more question, i reviewed the footage after i died and it appears you shot and killed the medic in the PD after killing me. Why would you kill the medic to? Could you show me a pov from your demo on what the medic did that got him killed while inside the PD, how was he non-complient after you forced him in the pd and had him open the door for you?

I also updated the facts on OP, people are basically repeating that they raided the pd because i was inside of it & shooting. We can agree on that right?
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Won't be providing any demos unless requested. Also won't be answering that question as it doesnt have anything to do with the AR unless requested by a Staff.
Ignore the black screen at the end was rendered by accident.
This is a demo perspective not shadowplay.

At the time when i was being shot at i gave the medic commands to go to the pd and insisted in running off on me possibly to get cover by the tfu but i managed to catch up, later on he tried to do it again by running off while inside pd but he stopped. Then after killing the tfu i wanted to leave asap but the medic help me back majorly so i ended up killing him for stalling and being a fat troll.
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