Perma banrequest on Matt Jackson ~ Heavy rdm/fail rp

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Maxv888/Max Terrance
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Matt Jackson/unable to find due instant leaving of the defender in this case
His/Her SteamID: unable to find see reason above
Reason: heave rdm/rule breaking
Evidence: after the story below.

Dear rpers,

a lot of you might know me as Max Capone in game [Max terrance after name change]
if been sadly confronted tonight by a player called "Matt Jackson" this player was assigned as a cop at the time that the event occured.

i wasnt able to find his steam id cause he instantly left the server after rdming

so what happened?

well to keep it short my fellow roleplayers, this "officer" pulled me over and said wait here im gonna question you. while i waited he scrolled to his gun and loaded it.
he opened fire on my car, after it was wrecked and i was already majorly injured he apperently decided to finish me of with some bullets to which is totally realistic (not)

i call this a heavy breaking of the server rules and it makes it even worse cause he is a law job. this should not be tollerated at all. i call this a person who probably came from the biggest lowest sinked piece of swollen sliding shit called: "darkrp"

i might be a bit harsh in there but its the truth. trying to keep the server clean of 6 year olds that just discovered there penis.

wel gentleman here is some prove below.

steam pics:

Here he pulled me over and told me he had to question me, i co-oporated from that point [he already took his gun out there]

Started randomly opening fire

this is after my car broke by his retardness he continued shooting me for no reason aka rdm

and here is sadly died

hope i can help you all supporting and keeping the server clean

greetz Max Terrance
I will upload the demo later today. Im working right now please leave the topic open.
Napoleon Bonaparte;n8663 said:
Itsverybad, he should be a new player

to be honnest i dont think he was a new guy, since he setup a roadblock as cop and had a situation going on. ill upload the demo now. or ill edit the part where it happened out so its easyr for you guys to see ( skip the parts where nothing happened )

but he didnt seemed to be new he also used voice chat which many newbies dont do.

he probably thought ohh admins arent on and arent going to be on lets rdm
i seem to get a script error has occured when loading demo's doesnt matter which one. all i see is errors ... and the console doesnt gives a clear direction of what it is. anyone has a fix for it ?
so i cant see which of my demos it is pls help ?
Ysera;n8688 said:
i seem to get a script error has occured when loading demo's doesnt matter which one. all i see is errors ... and the console doesnt gives a clear direction of what it is. anyone has a fix for it ?

Give this a try, in the exact order shown: Launch Garry's Mod (close the game if already open), load the demo, Disconnect, then launch the same demo again.
Luke;n8693 said:
Give this a try, in the exact order shown: Launch Garry's Mod (close the game if already open), load the demo, Disconnect, then launch the same demo again.

didnt work i always get the following errors

re value (material: nature/snowfloor001a)
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture2" which is not a texture value (material: nature/snowfloor001a)
Could not find table "downloadables"
Could not find table "modelprecache"
Could not find table "genericprecache"
Could not find table "soundprecache"
Could not find table "decalprecache"
Could not find table "instancebaseline"
Could not find table "lightstyles"
Could not find table "userinfo"
Could not find table "DynamicModels"
Could not find table "server_query_info"
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "WheelDust"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "WheelSplash"!
Could not find table "ParticleEffectNames"
Could not find table "EffectDispatch"
Could not find table "VguiScreen"
Could not find table "Materials"
Could not find table "InfoPanel"
Could not find table "Scenes"
Could not find table "ServerMapCycle"
Could not find table "GameRulesCreation"
Could not find table "GModGameInfo"
Could not find table "networkstring"
Could not find table "client_lua_files"
Loading Accessories

it just doesnt seems to load the perp files
While a complete reinstallation of the game would very likely resolve the problem, you can instead simply find the file based upon the time it was modified; demos record for up to 1 hour, so you should be able to find the correct demo if you know what time the incident occurred. The demo files also include the date and time that they started to record, within the file name.
he has been perma banned by me to due actions he did in-game that i witnessed.
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