Perp Heads Thriller Trailer

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That place.
Short explanation (in notes):
-Make a thriller trailer
-Attracts players
-Put it in the home page

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I believe it should be added because it will advertise the server and attracts
players and it will make the forums more interesting and attracting

-I reposted it because me and a lot of other people want's to do it so please accept

-I would love to participate
-We will make the video in perp heads
-This is a video we can copy a mafia trailer like one of the godfather's trilogy trailers:
-Godfather part II:
-Godfather part III:

Godfather Baptism scene:
I guess pretty much 50% of the community wants it. But it should only show up instead of the shoutbox when not signed in, so that it doesn't become too fucking annoying.

Anyway: +Support

I really like this idea
It attracts people to the server
Generally shows them how serious the server is
I think this will force people into a more action spirit whilst playing this other than RPing, thats just my opinion though. Ill give it a neutral since I dont know what to expect from the video outcome.
This has been suggested so many times. If you want a trailer wait or make your own and suggest if they add it. If it is "good" enough then they might add it. Please stop suggesting trailers, They don't even attract much people anyway ;p If you're on the forums then you're most likely playing PERP.
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