Eric Jonson Messages 761 Reaction score 951 Points 680 Location Ohio, United States of America Mar 7, 2023 #1 Hello everyone after a lot of recording and trimming out bad clips I am now finally able to present episode 4 of my COPS series to you all. I hope everyone enjoys it and as always please leave feedback below.
Hello everyone after a lot of recording and trimming out bad clips I am now finally able to present episode 4 of my COPS series to you all. I hope everyone enjoys it and as always please leave feedback below.
MalekIsWeird Messages 2,512 Reaction score 968 Points 975 Mar 7, 2023 #2 Please look into adding a body cam overlay as a nice touch to make watching experience more immersive. I did so in my own PLPD video found here: I also do this in my live streams and implement the customized overlay along with the sound effects it brings. Ask me privately for further assistance
Please look into adding a body cam overlay as a nice touch to make watching experience more immersive. I did so in my own PLPD video found here: I also do this in my live streams and implement the customized overlay along with the sound effects it brings. Ask me privately for further assistance
Eric Jonson Messages 761 Reaction score 951 Points 680 Location Ohio, United States of America Mar 7, 2023 Thread starter #4 RipperJuice said: Nice man. I enjoyed it! Click to expand... Glad you did