Perpheads | Most Talented Person/Singer

Reaction score
To start with, sorry these wasn't edited I wanted to, but my Vegas didn't want me to -.-.

So this guy started playing on perpheads again after a few years break, as he couldn't get on duty as officer, he decided to go out infront of Police Department and it shooked everyone of how wonderful it sounded and how great he is. He allowed me to record, and put it on youtube so I could share the videos with you guys here, allowed me to post it on the forums so people could see, and honestly if you find him ingame, ask him for his bank and donate for his hard work and wasted time on these 2 wonderfully made Songs.

He even made a few songs himself, that he shared with us, which will be the 2 videos that has been uploaded! This is his channel before you watch these videos, give him some support and motivation to make more videos!

Edit: I would tag him, but can't find his Forum name so he gotta have to reply here!

Guy makes his own music aswell, and Melody so they gotta step up their music!