pissy internet

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double mini roundabout

This is Louise Love talking from her coffin. She is currently being buried alive and doesn't have a lot of Data left on her phone.

Unfortunately Louise's internet is so slow that she cannot actually make an inactivity notice in the admin section so she apologises to all the hierarchies who look at those sorts of things.

She will attempt to resolve the problem with Sky and their stupid Disney film adverts, but right now she is losing the will to live.


This is Louise's internet on its best day. The latency can go as high as 170ms and the bandwidth can most certainly shit itself.

Apparently Wolverhampton is the best server for Louise so she chose that.

This post will take about 5 minutes to process.
Mine's also been hitting the shitter today, always DCing every 10 minutes and then coming back after 10 minutes

Thanks, 1&1 @Venomine. We will be switching to our new ISP in a month though, so they are maybe doing this on purpose that we are leaving them :kitty:

You'll live trough it. Reminds me of our 800kb/s Vodafone times we had 10 years ago.
I know how it its Rogue Car Tyres
But at least i'm alive when i'm not playing games lol Anyways hope ill see you soon <3 best mod of the year
sorry my internet doesn't work still kind of.

I'm actually using an apple to write this. Faster than sky anyway