Server Suggestion Pistol rebalance: Balanced magdumping

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Suggestion Title: Pistol rebalance: Balanced magdumping
Suggestion Description: The idea here is to increase the rate of fire for all semi automatic conventional caliber pistols, however, adjusting recoil pattern so spam firing them results in inaccurate shooting.

Currently all semi automatic handguns have the same rate of fire, besides a few exceptions such as handguns that are unconventional and unique, such as the Desert Eagle and Makarov PM to name a few.

In most video games the ability to switch to a pistol and magdump as a quick last resort is a staple. However on perp the pistol equip time is bad enough, let alone the sluggish fire speed you’ll achieve.

The idea put in detail:
- Every time you fire a pistol, the recoil will move your centre of view slightly, before returning to a more reasonable position meaning a slower follow up shot would be more in centre with your aim line.
- Spam firing the pistol will result in the return position never being reached meaning you will have to manually reposition and control the recoil to maintain accurate firing when spam firing pistols.

This is the technical speed capability of the Glock 17:

Technically, the Glock 17 has a maximum rate of fire of 1200 RPM whilst stock, but this must be achieved either by technique or with the help of a device that would offset the need to re pull the trigger, such as a “switch”, a hand crank, or something to bump fire it with such as a stick or the old belt loop method. I don’t think the pistol benefits from having this capability in game however, as clicking a mouse isn’t the same as clicking a 5lbs pressure requiring trigger. However I feel like certain pistols would benefit from a faster firing rate.

This is a speed capability of the Beretta M9, only this example rather than being a bump fire, is just someone squeezing the trigger fast:

The level and speed of which a handgun should be fired at effectively should change depending on model and caliber, with the 9x19mm Handguns and the 10x22mm handguns having the ability to shoot faster more accurately than the .45ACP and 10mm Auto Glock 20.

This should not affect the following semi automatic pistols, which should retain their current as is function:
- Desert Eagle: The weapon would require more adjustment making fast firing near impossible from a traditional pistol stance.
- Luger P08: Old and complex mechanics of the weapon would require slower shooting.
- Walther PPK: Smaller pistols are harder to keep grips on firing fast, the PPK isn’t exactly a speed demon either.
- Makarov PM: The weapon has a slow action limiting it in real life to 400rpm.
- All machine pistols, as they possess the capabilities to fire fast.

Why should this be added?:
- Realistic pistol capabilities rather than forced “controlled” shooting.
- Pistols become more viable with a downside to that viability requiring skill to utilise this to its full potential.
- Speedier magdumping and makes 3.4 breaks with pistol VS car more difficult for the rule breaker.
- Balanced as it still encourages handguns to be used in their current max rate of fire they currently have in order to keep consistent shots without having to readjust against any recoil force, whilst granting the ability to produce a mindless magdump in a heated situation.

What negatives could this have?:
- Changing a weapon system (apparently a pain)
- Cops might be more dangerous close range and finish more people off accidentally? (Skill issue)
- Norecoil hackers with their M9 they got free can be more dangerous (someone cheating shouldn’t affect a good idea though)
- Removing
I'd love to see this, never understood why most pistols were so slow and unsatisfying to use.
the glock came with a switch

idk about this , there is an element of spamming your mouse but 1 headshot and they are gone
let me fanfire my revolvers like i am a cowboy, I am totally down for that.

This suggestion is good. I like the idea of making guns feel more realistic and breaking the meta of people only using hk45 to where people might enjoy other pistol types.
so what i get is making them faster but less accurate? i think that would be cool to see, more fun to use and actually used as a second resort tbf
so what i get is making them faster but less accurate? i think that would be cool to see, more fun to use and actually used as a second resort tbf
Faster at the expense of accuracy, pistols should retain accuracy if shot slower.
This is needed badly, pistols preform so poorly compared to nearly any other automatic weapon due to how slow their firerates are.
With the close quarters meta being what it is (movement reigns supreme), rate of fire wins gunfights, and pistols are limited for absolutely no reason in that regard. You can balance the rate of fire by bringing everyone down to my accuracy level when they start spamming more than a round a second.
Pistols have really become redundant, like Allen said due to the close quarters mag dumping rifle fights which is about 70% of gunfights. I literally only ever use pistols with the hope of getting one tap clips, don't see the point in bringing one other than for that reason.

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