Server Suggestion Double-action and single-action revolvers

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Suggestion Title: Double-action and single-action revolvers
Suggestion Description: The past suggestion was moved to 'Denied' without any reasoning so I'm putting this back up on hopes of getting some sort of discussion or reasoning done on how to make revolvers decent

This will take a fair bit of re-animation work and scripting, I am well aware of this. It seems that lelios has gained a good chunk of experience with his recent animation update so I'm hoping this will be actually possible compared to well over a year ago.

You should be able to E+Right Click revolvers to change the following methods of shooting which would also come with actual benefits to balance things in favor:

Single-action (How it works right now):
-Slower fire rate in exchange for more accurate and precise shots.
-Less visual recoil.

-Higher fire rate in exchange for less accuracy and precision (possibly add a slight bloom to discourage spam over large distances)
-More visual recoil.

As it stands, single-action is currently the worst thing that is putting the performance of revolvers at a disadvantage compared to semi-automatic pistols, don't get me started on the lack of speed loaders. They're powerful weapons and I don't always use them just because of the mentioned points that make a semi-automatic pistol way better than a revolver.

Why should this be added?:
-Give another use for revolvers to make them actually a competition against high capacity and high firerate semi-automatic pistols such as the well popular HK 45.
-Gives the user the choice of being a marksman or the desire to be in the wild west.

What negatives could this have?:
-Animation and scripting work (Revolvers are hell to animate with the way we have it implemented)

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