PLPD Dispatch

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! This is a chance for the wider community to give there input into the Dispatch Department and what changes they would like to see throughout the division.

! If it is a DEVELOPMENT Suggestion please keep it to the relevant threads SUGGESTIONS

? You can mention things such as;
How you want the Application Process to work?
How you want the Rank Structure to Work?
Changes in Policies?

- These will help us in future conversations and aid us in enhancing the Dispatch Experience for all, Feel Free to Flood the Suggestions with ideas :cool:

Yesterday we had an an OS meeting in regards to the changes being brought into TFU.

After the meeting, a few of us stayed for a bit of discussion and Dispatch was brought up.

What I brought up and was kind of agreed on with is that the issues sorrounding Dispatch are split into two categories:

1 - Developmental
The way assigning units in Dispatch works, especially when there's many many units is horrible. You're trying to assign a unit to an incident, whilst trying to juggle 3 other incidents and the incident/unit you selected keeps expanding/retracting and selecting/unselecting.

I think the easiest way to combat this would be to allow you to drag and drop incidents to units and units to incidents. This would make it a heck of a lot faster.

2 - Organisational

What's the point of playing Dispatch, when you're tasked with assigning units to respond to incidents, but it usually goes like this:

Unit 1: Responding to Life Alert
Unit 2: Not assigned to an incident, but responding to Life Alert
Unit 3: Assigned to a car theft, but responding to Life Alert
Unit 4: Shouting down the radio "ANY ACTIVE INCIdENtS"
Unit 5: "Partner where are you?"

I remember this used to be very different when I first joined. The whole entirety of PD functioned differently. People were more keen on patrolling with newer cops and helping them learn the ropes and also stopping them when they disregarded Dispatcher's orders.

Now everyone avoids it to avoid having to write an OR for them, because of the policy stating you MUST write an OR at the end of a Patrol. So you just stick with people who don't want the Observation Reports.

No matter how many policies you change, application process or rank structure. That won't fix the issue that the job is painful to play, disregarded, unrewarding and unappreciated.
Honestly as much as I love having dispatchers on because it keeps the fluidity of who's responding to what decently in order;

PLEASE I BEG if anything were to be added to the application process for dispatch, let it be microphone quality checks during / after applying for dispatch, I can think of a dispatcher or two with respectfully the worst mics known to man that make it a lot harder to respond to incidents because you have to ask them to repeat while also abiding by radio protocol- which ends up in wasting precious time that could be used responding to the incident, reviving someone, etc. o_O
i think there should be a stage where theres a test to see if your microphone is good enough and if yuo have the law and policy knowledge and the skills to make a incident
Okay here goes as a dispatch main.. (kinda)

Application process

This should be a 2 part process which should be done with 10 multiple choice questions, these questions can be centred around organisation and structure, and how to command units on the ground. A common example could be;

"A life alert has gone off at Slums apartment and when checking the cameras you see that Apartment 3 is on fire, in which order do you dispatch units to that location?"

A. Police, Fire, EMS
B. EMS, Fire, Police
C. Fire, Police, EMS
D. Fire then EMS as police aren't needed

Correct answer here should be A, because police would need to arrive to secure the exterior of the building to stop anyone going in, then fire to extinguish the fire then EMS to give medical treatment.

There should also be 4 written questions and finally MIC quality, this is a massive thing for dispatch.

Finally requirements should be Senior Officer+ with a minimum of 7 days play time, we need people who have law and policy knowledge in command of all ground units.

Priority talking

When dispatch is talking, other units should not be able to talk over the radio and interrupt. If dispatch is giving commands to units on the ground to respond to a call at X apartment or X life alert, what shouldn't be then happening is some random waffle coming over the radio about how a black car ran a red light, we don't need this information, just deal with the person that ran a red light?

Rank Structure

This is a difficult one to answer and I'll explain why; currently dispatch does not have the capability to set warrants, this is a massive issue when there are units that need to breach a property or on the latest DNA. This is something dispatch should be capable of, so both dispatch and senior dispatch should have that available to them. Especially with our camera coverage of apartments and when we can see drugs inside, this should be available to all dispatch which is why the requirement to pass is what I've suggested.

I'd recommend, Dispatch, Senior Dispatch and Dispatch Command.

Senior dispatchers should also be responsible for marking the exams from applicants, using a simple point system. Dispatch command of course has the duty and responsibility of ensuring progression and completing observation reports on other dispatchers. I'd like to see a dispatch command member get on duty and give an OR to the dispatcher, which can then give an overview of how the dispatcher is performing.


Perhaps this should only be available to Senior dispatch+ but dispatch should be able to demote units who are either AFK or not performing, this can be done safely by having an officer attend and confirming individual is AFK and not in a roleplay setting, then we can demote directly from the panel. This would also be helpful for minges who radio spam, don't attend calls and just generally be knobheads, there would be a lot more respect for radio protocol knowing you could be demoted for not listening.

All government vehicles

Whilst this may fall under development, I'd like to see all government vehicles on the dispatch map, Taxis, Roadcrew, SS & couriers. Whilst dispatch has no control over them or any way to communicate with them, what it allows is for us to keep track of their movements. We get a 911 call saying a Taxi Driver has hit and run someone or hit another car at intersection, we can locate that vehicle on the dispatch map to have PD units move to their direction.

These are just some suggestions around this but a lot of my bigger suggestion are around development and how we can amend and change thing within the dispatch map/job itself.

Yesterday we had an an OS meeting in regards to the changes being brought into TFU.

After the meeting, a few of us stayed for a bit of discussion and Dispatch was brought up.

What I brought up and was kind of agreed on with is that the issues sorrounding Dispatch are split into two categories:

1 - Developmental
The way assigning units in Dispatch works, especially when there's many many units is horrible. You're trying to assign a unit to an incident, whilst trying to juggle 3 other incidents and the incident/unit you selected keeps expanding/retracting and selecting/unselecting.

I think the easiest way to combat this would be to allow you to drag and drop incidents to units and units to incidents. This would make it a heck of a lot faster.

2 - Organisational
What's the point of playing Dispatch, when you're tasked with assigning units to respond to incidents, but it usually goes like this:

Unit 1: Responding to Life Alert
Unit 2: Not assigned to an incident, but responding to Life Alert
Unit 3: Assigned to a car theft, but responding to Life Alert
Unit 4: Shouting down the radio "ANY ACTIVE INCIdENtS"
Unit 5: "Partner where are you?"

I remember this used to be very different when I first joined. The whole entirety of PD functioned differently. People were more keen on patrolling with newer cops and helping them learn the ropes and also stopping them when they disregarded Dispatcher's orders.

Now everyone avoids it to avoid having to write an OR for them, because of the policy stating you MUST write an OR at the end of a Patrol. So you just stick with people who don't want the Observation Reports.

No matter how many policies you change, application process or rank structure. That won't fix the issue that the job is painful to play, disregarded, unrewarding and unappreciated.

We also unanimously said that dispatch should be allowed to fly a perishable CCTV drone. I feel as though you glossed over that A1 dispatch saving gem of an idea entirely…
We also unanimously said that dispatch should be allowed to fly a perishable CCTV drone. I feel as though you glossed over that A1 dispatch saving gem of an idea entirely…
Not unanimously. I'd recreate drone war RP with it.

Yesterday we had an an OS meeting in regards to the changes being brought into TFU.

After the meeting, a few of us stayed for a bit of discussion and Dispatch was brought up.

What I brought up and was kind of agreed on with is that the issues sorrounding Dispatch are split into two categories:

1 - Developmental
The way assigning units in Dispatch works, especially when there's many many units is horrible. You're trying to assign a unit to an incident, whilst trying to juggle 3 other incidents and the incident/unit you selected keeps expanding/retracting and selecting/unselecting.

I think the easiest way to combat this would be to allow you to drag and drop incidents to units and units to incidents. This would make it a heck of a lot faster.

2 - Organisational
What's the point of playing Dispatch, when you're tasked with assigning units to respond to incidents, but it usually goes like this:

Unit 1: Responding to Life Alert
Unit 2: Not assigned to an incident, but responding to Life Alert
Unit 3: Assigned to a car theft, but responding to Life Alert
Unit 4: Shouting down the radio "ANY ACTIVE INCIdENtS"
Unit 5: "Partner where are you?"

I remember this used to be very different when I first joined. The whole entirety of PD functioned differently. People were more keen on patrolling with newer cops and helping them learn the ropes and also stopping them when they disregarded Dispatcher's orders.

Now everyone avoids it to avoid having to write an OR for them, because of the policy stating you MUST write an OR at the end of a Patrol. So you just stick with people who don't want the Observation Reports.

No matter how many policies you change, application process or rank structure. That won't fix the issue that the job is painful to play, disregarded, unrewarding and unappreciated.
another way to assign units would be to have a little box on the incident saying “assign multiple units” and when you click on it you can select 1 or multiple units to the same incident without it being literal cancer