PLPD help

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So I attempted my best to dispute this IC punishment through the system:

Now why am I making a Help & Support. The reason is the following:

TFU Policy Relevant which was exercised in the video below

Officer Bodycam footage showcasing the moment which resulted in infraction

As of today

I made a Helpdesk dispute which resulted in the punishment being sustained. Then apparently PSD was notified and it was still sustained. I then contacted the Chief directly and it was still sustained without further chance of Appeal. I'd like to post this just as a last hope that would possibly help in either clarifying why either maybe my understanding of the policy is different than what the Chief intended or whether there was injustice.\


I'd like to also note when my perspective was shown to the defendant who had originally made the IA, he was shocked by the difference and realized that he would in fact agree with my actions being reasonable. When asked whether he would do the same he answered with yes.
Hi Malek,

With quite a bit of former experience on the matter (IA) and the little information you provided, I can only assume you shot someone unarmed or someone you weren't supposed to.

Keep in mind that you are in fact responsible for every bullet that leaves your barrel and in this instance you kept shooting at a spot without even having eyes on your suspect.

Civilians and PLPD Officers have different playstyles. Civilians can wallbang as much as they want to and just shoot, prefire and so on. As a PLPD officer, especially TFU, it is very important to watch where you shoot. I'm not saying accidents don't happen to all of us, but your play style was that of a regular Civilian.
Hi Malek,

You can refer to this document, which will outline policy regarding appeals; please refer to s(11) ["APPEALING A DECISION"] here:

This should contain all the information you need.
Hi Haris,

Unfortunately as I said I tried my best with the system. Nonetheless the results were that my punishment was sustained by the PSD ordered revote that the CC did. Even though my actions I would say are in line with the TFU Policy as shown by the body cam footage.
You didn't really provide infraction reasoning, nor a reason psd denied the appeal, just a video of you shooting a guy a second before you blew the door open.
Hi Malek,

With quite a bit of former experience on the matter (IA) and the little information you provided, I can only assume you shot someone unarmed or someone you weren't supposed to.

Keep in mind that you are in fact responsible for every bullet that leaves your barrel and in this instance you kept shooting at a spot without even having eyes on your suspect.

Civilians and PLPD Officers have different playstyles. Civilians can wallbang as much as they want to and just shoot, prefire and so on. As a PLPD officer, especially TFU, it is very important to watch where you shoot. I'm not saying accidents don't happen to all of us, but your play style was that of a regular Civilian.

I don't really understand what is that you need help with in this situation, it seems more like you're expecting the community to convince you that what you did is fine and that "the system is against you".

As multiple people in this thread have mentioned, the TFU policy is pretty clear on this matter:


The person was not a direct threat to you or anyone else hence why your actions were deemed unlawful.

On top of this there's is nothing that can be done on the forums regarding PLPD matters, the PD has its proper channels to dispute these decisions, which clearly you disagree with, but if your case is reviewed 3 times and its denied 3 times then maybe its a sign that what you did was wrong.
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