Police Suggestion plpd raido

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Suggestion Title: plpd raido
Suggestion Description: add option to lower or higher the voice

Why should this be added?:
1. if you want to deal with someone you should mute the radio where it mean if there is something more important you cant her
2. by lowing the voice you can keep it open and if something happend you can stell her it and her the guy you dealing with
3. stop geting headache after 20 mins of being on dute

What negatives could this have?:
- maybe hard to code and might do some bugs ?
Additionally, there should be an option to turn on priority speaking. That way if a CPL+ has it on, when they speak, the other transmissions are lowered in volume to better equip them in handling excessive radio chatter that is insubordinate of PLPD Protocol and unnecessary. Logically this means if a SGT has it on and speaks over a CPL the CPL is lowered and so on up the chain of rank.

Instead of having to be that CPL or SGT yelling on radio "10-3" 5 times all you do is flick a priority switch and say it once and people should listen.
This would make such a good think as of because my radio has to always turn off so i can't hear someone so i think it should be like this so i can listen to radio and talk
I've suggested this so many times to @Collier and other staff members but I have been told that it is just simply not possible to implement.

I would love to see some sort of alternative to deal with some of the shit we have currently in gov radio.
This would be pretty good especially when you do ORs too, sometimes it's hard to listen to your patrol buddies or deal with situations due to how loud people tend to be down the radio
Additionally, there should be an option to turn on priority speaking. That way if a CPL+ has it on, when they speak, the other transmissions are lowered in volume to better equip them in handling excessive radio chatter that is insubordinate of PLPD Protocol and unnecessary. Logically this means if a SGT has it on and speaks over a CPL the CPL is lowered and so on up the chain of rank.

Instead of having to be that CPL or SGT yelling on radio "10-3" 5 times all you do is flick a priority switch and say it once and people should listen.
Just make an Internal Affairs Complaint on those who cannot follow Radio Protocol. Or if there is a SGT on note there names down and have a word with them?
Just make an Internal Affairs Complaint on those who cannot follow Radio Protocol. Or if there is a SGT on note there names down and have a word with them?
Either way this would still be very beneficial for a situation like TFO needing to hear footsteps or movement, instead of muting radio just lowering it
Either way this would still be very beneficial for a situation like TFO needing to hear footsteps or movement, instead of muting radio just lowering it
I mean as someone stated they already said there is no way to alter the volume. The persons suggesting being able to lower everyone else's voice to be able to hear the priority speaker.
If there is issues with people unable to follow simple protocol then on-duty Supervisors should be cracking down on it and it doesn't help that nobody reports it instead finds a temporary solution by telling them to "10-3" or "shut up".
If there is issues with people unable to follow simple protocol then on-duty Supervisors should be cracking down on it and it doesn't help that nobody reports it instead finds a temporary solution by telling them to "10-3" or "shut up".
Unless somebody is being a major nuisance they will be punished, minor annoyances can be avoided through both of these ideas and slapping a “make an ia” flex tape on it as if that’s the solution for every context possible is not practical.

It seems like you unironically expect on duty higher ups to be petty and make an IA for every single new player who minges on radio instead of just allowing us to speak louder to have them hear our instructions the first time we speak…
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Unless somebody is being a major nuisance they will be punished, minor annoyances can be avoided through both of these ideas and slapping a “make an ia” flex tape on it as if that’s the solution for every context possible is not practical.

It seems like you unironically expect on duty higher ups to be petty and make an IA for every single new player who minges on radio instead of just allowing us to speak louder to have them hear our instructions the first time we speak…
And I never once stated there is absolutely no alternatives? an Officer can be pulled aside and informed about the Radio Protocol Policy. You do have to realise the majority of those who consistently break Radio Protocol will not listen to these conversations that's why instead of screaming down the mic or your alternative of shutting everyone up and letting one person speak will not do any good in the long run? Radio Protocol will become increasingly more important once these new Dispatch features are implemented and there is an increased Presence of Dispatchers. If anything the only person who should have this "Priority Speaker" if anything is the On-Duty Dispatchers. But the Physical Gov Radio is only meant to Transmit Information which is urgent any non urgent information is transmittable through Gov Chat. At the end of the day I'm disputing the fact that I don't believe this suggestion is effective at all so don't feel like I'm having an argument with you I am just giving my own views
And I never once stated there is absolutely no alternatives? an Officer can be pulled aside and informed about the Radio Protocol Policy. You do have to realise the majority of those who consistently break Radio Protocol will not listen to these conversations that's why instead of screaming down the mic or your alternative of shutting everyone up and letting one person speak will not do any good in the long run? Radio Protocol will become increasingly more important once these new Dispatch features are implemented and there is an increased Presence of Dispatchers. If anything the only person who should have this "Priority Speaker" if anything is the On-Duty Dispatchers. But the Physical Gov Radio is only meant to Transmit Information which is urgent any non urgent information is transmittable through Gov Chat. At the end of the day I'm disputing the fact that I don't believe this suggestion is effective at all so don't feel like I'm having an argument with you I am just giving my own views
in this whole paragraph you didn't state a single convincing reason for why both ideas are bad or ineffective.

In any context. If officer(s) is/are misusing radio, the ability to effectively verbally instruct them how to stop misbehaving is evidential towards an IA if the problem grows and most effective in contrast to what we currently have, It's a useful tool to instruct.

For example: multiple people are misusing radio for the higher up or dispatcher to step in and instruct them all without having to repeat oneself while talking over them or wait for them to quit talking.

My idea being gatekept for dispatcher makes no sense, CPLs+ are expected to know protocol and enforce it already so it's unreasonable to not equip entrusted officials with a helpful tool to better do their job if possible.

You can continue to not "believe this suggestion is effective at all so you're not having an argument," But the community has shown it's demand, and the logic for why it's effective has been written; maybe even repeated multiple times.
This issue of inability to follow radio protocol is usually seen in regular Officers. How about explaining to them what radio protocol is or how to follow it? If its angering you that much then how about you make a Ticket on PLPD.online and explain this issue to command and see if they can put out an announcement or notice to Officers in relation to following radio protocol. Your wanting a Priority System in place for one issue. Some may say its useful for incidents but there's an "Incident" Radio for a Reason.
or You could simply just type in /gov chat. 10-3 (Stop Transmitting) then follow it on by saying "Ensure you are using Radio Protocol" Usually after this is said people will start to catch on and listen. If not you can follow steps and speak to a Supervisor?
I'm sorry aloo's english is confusing me, is this suggestion to add a volume option to the F1 options menu for police main radio?
That was the original suggestion but it then turned into "Add a Priority Speaker Bind so Certain Ranks can speak over other individuals and there volume will be lowered."

I have a working proof of concept that allows setting the max radio volume. We'll test internally and release it if it performs well enough.
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