Suggestion Title: Pocket notebook
Suggestion Description: A new tool for cops it is a pocket notebook that you can write informations in For example the name of a person a car plate number ect
You might be asking, what is the difference between this and the note app in your phone: the notes in the the notebook gets deleted when you die or when you leave the job
Why should this be added?:
- more realism
What negatives could this have?:
- development time
What problem would this suggestion solve?: - keeping information
Useful Images:
Suggestion Description: A new tool for cops it is a pocket notebook that you can write informations in For example the name of a person a car plate number ect
You might be asking, what is the difference between this and the note app in your phone: the notes in the the notebook gets deleted when you die or when you leave the job
Why should this be added?:
- more realism
What negatives could this have?:
- development time
What problem would this suggestion solve?: - keeping information
Useful Images: