Poker Competition - Sponsored by Mensa

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Hi everyone,

This Friday (12.02.2021) a high stakes poker tournament, sponsored by Mensa Casino, will be hosted in the office at 7PM GMT, with a buy-in of $250,000.
Rules of the tournament a few and simple:

  1. Your starting stack is $250,000 no more, no less!
  2. You can not cash out of the tournament at any point (people who do this will be dealt with by admins), there can only be one winner so you play until you have no chips or you win.
  3. When you have no money you can not buy back in.
  4. Do not AFK during the tournament.
  5. Intentionally exposing a card is illegal in tournament play and players who do so will be disqualified and have the money that they had on the table removed!
  6. No inappropriate language on the table.
To sign-up please fill out this google form:
Fill it out ONLY if you are 100% sure that you are going to be able to participate in the tournament.
Keep in mind that if you sign-up you are going to have to stay through the whole tournament unless you go bust!
Wanted criminals and guns will not be allowed on the property!

Sponsored by Mensa Casinos, and created by @thehomelessdude!

At the event we will have food and drinks that are going to be provided by @rogue so people can come and enjoy a great poker tournament.

See you there!
Players on the 12th

I'm going to tryhard this, don't care if it takes 12358931 hours!

UPDATE: I lost every hand
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Since we received questions regarding how long the tournament is going to take we decided to make an addition to the rules. Whenever a player goes bust the small and big blind will be raised. The big blind will be raised by $5000 and the small blind will be half of the big blind. This will go on until 50% of the players have been eliminated, after that the big blind will be raised with $10000 and as always the small blind is half of the big blind. This will be added in order to make sure the tournament doesn't take too much time to finish. If after those additions the game is still going too slow, the organizers of the event can determine if a raise in the blinds is needed.

Also, you will be prohibited from mugging anyone during or immediately after the event.
Mensa society just got off the phone with the plug and he flogged us some pretty fucking good weapons called “godsticks” idk where he got em from but the manuals are in Libyan .
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