Police planning board

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Interactive police planning whiteboard

Short explaination:
Turning the whiteboard in the meeting room into a board which a officer can draw on by using the mouse to draw a strategy.

Why it should be added:
As SWAT the thing I most enjoy is taking a team leader role upon myself and always get the SWAT team together to go through a breach and clear strategy e.g: one swat is C2'er, one is first man in, another is flasher :kitty: etc. And I think this would be a great addition to allow police to plan raids more effieciently.

I know in the past the police have had photos given from a citizen of drugs in an apartment, this happened only the other day, and Jordan was trying to organise the entire PD outside the police building, I think opportunities like these would be great to actually use the meeting room and use the board to visualise to the officers what the plan is.

Alternative ideas:
Maybe we could have a whiteboard as an item which anyone could buy so citizens could plan raids on it? Could have art contests as a mayor competition (LEWIS loves doing events) or maybe just for citizens to draw cool pictures.

But mainly just for police I think will be a BEAST idea.

- Phone
This would actually be a really useful idea, a system similar to the Rust signs would be awesome, if you could place them like props and make custom signs would be even better. Might get a lot of dick drawings though.
This would actually be a really useful idea, a system similar to the Rust signs would be awesome, if you could place them like props and make custom signs would be even better. Might get a lot of dick drawings though.
Can't have a whiteboard without dicks being drawn amirite boys :kappa: Nah but thanks mate :)

It would be a useful if you could possibly swap through the schematics of all of the buildings in PH so you would have an idea of what you might be going to or through so you can plan accordingly like IRL rather than rushing in blindly.
Maybe you could like select a property of which you may be raiding and it will show the outline of the property, outside and inside with the doors and stuff. Would be pretty cool. +Support all the way
Hold on, Jeffrey Geeza made a good suggestion? Obviously not jeffrey and the website bugged, just like it did with @MrAaron's account.

Would be useful and nice addition, don't warn me please.
In the briefing room in the PD, I had an idea where a certain rank+ would be able to press E on the PC on the desk and it'll allow them to put a link in, then when entered, it will open on overlay for everyone, would be great for things like this;


Which is basically the example you used. Thoughts on this idea?
Love it! Perhaps add it? That would make Raids so much easier to plan.
Yeah that's pretty much what am I saying, like there could be a PC next too the whiteboard in the meeting room in which officers could maybe upload birds eye view images of any property or the entire map in perp and then draw over these to make planning the raids and other activities easier
In the briefing room in the PD, I had an idea where a certain rank+ would be able to press E on the PC on the desk and it'll allow them to put a link in, then when entered, it will open on overlay for everyone, would be great for things like this;


Which is basically the example you used. Thoughts on this idea?
As a fellow swat leader (Better than you) i would love to se this in the game. But i belive that it should be sargent+ or somthing like that, simply because we all know that people would end up drawing dicks on it all the time

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